Chapter Two

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Chara plows their way through the giant crowd of kids to find Frisk at a lunch table. They quickly sit down and sigh.

"Asriel doesn't have lunch with us, does he?"

Frisk shakes their head. Someone else sits on the other side of Frisk. Monster Kid. They smile brightly.

"Yo, Frisk! Chara!"

"Heya, MK!" Frisk smiles. "Having a good day?"

"It's been okay," They shrug. "Uh...someone was being pretty mean, but...some other kid stood up for me! Told me monsters were pretty cool."

Frisk pauses. "Oh..uh..did you catch their name..?"

They shake their head. "Nope..." They open their lunch bag and pull out a sandwich, all with their mouth. Impressive. Frisk smiles.

Chara simply watches. They blink a few times before turning to their own lunch bag and pulling out a bar of chocolate. They quickly unwrap it and take a bite. Frisk looks to them and snorts.

"You can't live on chocolate alone, Chara," Frisk raises an eyebrow at Chara.

"Watch me." Chara responds as they take a larger bite of chocolate. Frisk snickers and takes out their own food. And a note from Toriel. Yep. Toriel still put notes in their lunches. Chara pulls out their own.

Have a great day, Chara! I love you very much.

Chara smiles. They really enjoyed the positive words from Toriel, cheesy or not.

Chara's good mood is rudely interrupted when someone walks past and shoves their chest into the table. Chara coughs, startled. They immediately turn to face who did it.

"Hey, watch it!" They shout, more out of habit than anything. They were nearly out of earshot. They turn around, smirking. Chara sneers. It was the kid from the bus. Without another look to Chara, he keeps walking.

Chara grumbles and turns back. They mutter something under their breath. Frisk frowns.

"Wow. Rude."

"Yeah, really?" Chara snorts, taking another bite of chocolate.


Chara had their next class with Asriel. Thank God. They quickly sit down in the back and wait for him to come in. Asriel shuffles in a few minutes later. He quickly takes a seat next to Chara. He seemed a little...on edge. Chara frowns.

"You, uh, doing okay..?"

Asriel nods and doesn't even look over.

"I'm not stupid, Asriel," Chara frowns. "What's bothering you?"

"It's nothing.." Asriel reassures them, shaking his head.

Chara's not convinced. "Asriel. What happened."

"...Well..." Asriel starts, quietly. "This one kid...he...was being really mean. He...said monsters didn't belong here. And..he shoved me...and..he said some mean things about you too."

Chara has to force their jaw closed. "..What did he say..?"

"Uh...if..if I remember correctly, he said something along the lines of...'and tell your freak friend to....'" Asriel gulps and lowers his voice. "'Go back to hell where it came from.'"

Chara is most definitely not happy. "...See if you can track him down next class."

"But, Chara-"

"Track him down," Chara repeats. "I'm going to give that jackass a piece of my mind."

Before Asriel can refuse, the teacher walks in. Asriel sighs and turns to face her.

Chara barely pays attention during Ms.Norman's spiel. It was the standard first-day stuff. Plus a name game. Chara hated name games. They were forced to talk to someone they barely knew. Someone who can and probably would judge them.

"Alright," Ms.Norman started. "So you can all know each other, I'm going to have you all write down your name and something interesting about yourself on a card. Then, you'll find someone you don't know and introduce yourself. You'll trade cards, and read them to the class when you take your seats again."

Ms.Norman passes out colorful notecards. Chara sighs and writes Chara Dreemurr at the top.

Something interesting about myself? Chara thinks to themselves. Uh, I killed people I care for..? Nuh-uh. I hate humanity? Nope.

Chara settles with "My entire family isn't blood-related to me." Well, it was true. People immediately scramble to find someone. Asriel finds another monster kid in the room. A pasty white redhead approaches Chara.

"Uh, do you...?"

"Sure.." Chara sighs.

"What's your name?" She begins. "I'm Alexandra. Or Alex. Or Xander. I don't really care."

Chara was already fed up with this perky girl. "Uh..I'm Chara. Only call me Chara."

"Okay.." Alex shifts awkwardly. "So, my interesting thing was that I lived in Japan for two years!"

"..Okay.." Chara shifts in their seat. "I, uh, my entire family has no blood-relation to me."

"..Oh," Alex seems..disappointed?

What, am I not good enough for you? Real shocker. Chara thinks.

Well. They accidentally said it out loud.

"..Excuse me?" Alex looks..really offended. "No need to get defensive!"

"What?" Chara sneers. "I'm sorry I hadn't led a life quite as exciting as yours."

Alex crosses her arms. She puts her card on Chara's desk and takes the notecard from Chara's hands. She stomps back to her desk.

"What a brat," Chara snorts.
Chara and Asriel are walking down the hallway to their next class when Asriel suddenly grabs Chara's shoulder.

"Chara.." He starts. "..I see him...the kid who-"

Chara cuts him off. "What?!" They knew what he meant. Asriel shakily points. It was the same kid who hsd harassed them on the bus. They growl and run up to him.


He immediately stops talking to his friends and turns to face Chara. He cocks an eyebrow.


Chara grabs the sides of his shirt with both hands and slams him into the wall. Despite him being twice their size. They're determined as hell.

"You think you're funny?!" They snarl. "You think you can walk around and mess with anyone you want?!"

He seems a bit..shocked...but keeps his composure (Chara can only assume that it's because his friends are around). "What the hell are talking about, freak?"

Chara narrows their eyes and tightens their grip. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, idiot. That was my brother you harassed earlier. And...hah...if you think I should go to hell..." Chara grins,and their corneas turn black.. "Y o u ' r e c o m i n g w i t h m e."

Chara's about to straight-up punch him when Asriel shouts at them. "Chara!"

Chara's eyes immediately turn back to normal, and their grip loosens. This gives their victim's cohorts to pull Chara off him and shove them away.

"Big ego for such a small girl," One of them snarls.

Chara narrows their eyes, but keeps their mouth shut. They may look calm, but they've killed every single one of them in their head at least twice.

"Stay away, or you'll regret it," Another guy threatens.

Asriel took Chara's shoulder and turns them away. "C'mon, Chara, they're not worth our time."

Chara complies (they didn't want to disappoint Asriel again),but glares at the laughing group of idiots as they walk away.

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