Chapter 12

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Sans didn't leave Chara alone for the whole day. Anytime he saw them leave their room, he would somehow end up right next to them, asking if they were ready to talk about what happened. Chara ignored him every time. They knew they couldn't avoid him forever, though. They wished they could. They didn't want to admit anything to Sans. Besides, what would it do? They didn't have much good reasoning behind what they did. Granted, it was kind of self defense. Not to mention Danny had hurt Asriel. That's enough reasoning, if you're Chara. So..why did Chara find this so hard to explain? They thought Sans would expect more from them. As much as they'd hate to admit it, they just needed to be more than just "tolerated" by Sans. It drove them crazy that all he did was bother Chara and still not trust them. If they would be in the same house as Sans, he would have to at least be decent to them.

Chara finally got fed up by the time they came down to eat in the afternoon. The skeleton teleported directly next to them, asking the exact same question he had all day.

"You ready to talk yet?"

Chara growls, clenching their fists and turning on their heel to directly face Sans. "Fine. Fine!" They huff. "I'll tell you, if it means you'll leave me alone."

Sans seems surprised that they said yes. "Oh..uh, okay. Spill." He grabbed their hand,teleporting them downstairs and onto the couch. Chara snatches their hand away and scoots to the end of the couch. " stabbed a kid. I don't have any details. Why?"

Chara sighs, glancing to the side. "Well, first off, he's just generally awful. He hurt Asriel, and hurt me when I tried to defend him. I needed to get away somehow. So-"

"So your brain immediately decided, 'hey, let's stab him. I'm sure there won't be consequences!'?" Sans interrupted, raising a non-existent eyebrow.

"I wasn't finished," Chara shot a slight glare at Sans, holding it as they spoke. "I wasn't thinking, and my main focus was getting away. So, well. So I stabbed him."

Chara shrugs a bit. That was really all there was to it. Of course, that wasn't the answer Sans wanted.

"That's it? You just..You just stabbed him," Sans crossed his arms, showing he wasn't convinced.

"Yes!" Chara cries in exasperation. "Didn't you say you would stop prodding me?? I know you want me to get better, and I'm really trying! But I can't do that when you don't believe I will! I'm not just gonna change overnight. And I won't just magically be a good person when you still harass me!"

Chara growls, out of breath. They hated Sans, even now. They did have a point, though. If he was snippy with them, they'd be snippy right back. If they kept fighting, Chara may never really change. Sans stared at them in shock for a moment. They hadn't lashed out in a long time. Not since when they were first brought back to life. He sighs heavily.

"Kid..." He puts his head in his hands. "That's much easier said than done.."

"You're a grown man," Chara snarls. "You should know better, huh?! To just...get over the past and stop being so petty about it?"

"Well, you clearly can't get over the past!" Sans snaps back, looking back up at them. "If you're still using the 'I haven't been to public school in a while' excuse! You still have a grudge against humanity. It's been years, Chara!"

This set Chara over the edge. They stand up, clenching their fists and glaring down at Sans. "Are you kidding?? If..If your own family, everyone you've ever known..hated you, and showed you absolutely nothing but harm, would you still 'get over it', even after years?! I certainly wouldn't! I tried to kill myself because of humans. And...And you expect me to just..forget about it??"

Sans huffed. He was trying to keep a level head, but with was different. He had very little self control when it came to getting angry with them. This child had caused him so much suffering. They've taken everything from him and caused him to want to end his own life multiple times...he seemed to always be angry with them.

"Are you seriously that stubborn??" Sans stood up again, now standing over Chara. "It was a human who gave you your 'second chance'. You hate an entire race, just because you were unfortunate enough to stumble upon the worst of them? Not all humans are bad, Chara. I'm sure you're old enough to understand that."

"Why does this matter so much to you, huh?" Chara snarled. They haven't been this angry at Sans in a very long time. They hated him so much... "My life certainly hasn't seemed to matter to you in the past!"

Chara stays silent for a while, before glaring even more intensely at Sans and staring him straight in the eye. "...You know...I...I don't even regret making you suffer."

Without even a moment's hesitation, Sans grabs Chara's wrist and pulls them up to eye level. Chara growls, pulling away. The skeletal hand just increases it's grip on their wrist.

"What," The lights had gone out of Sans's eyes completely, his eyes narrowed nearly into slits. "And this whole time I thought you really wanted to change. I k n e w i t."

A slight burning sensation comes to Chara's captured wrist. Sans's grip tightens even more as a faint aura of blue magic forms on his hand. Chara winces and tries once again to pull away. Sans pulls them even closer, so that their faces are nearly touching.

"You little brat.." He hissed, his tone far more serious than his usual comedic speech. "I was waiting for this to happen...I knew you would slip up..and reveal what you really want..hah..! I..can't believe I ever had any faith in you.."

Chara sneers, struggling and doing anything to escape Sans's death grip on their burning wrist. The pain got worse and worse by the second, and Chara didn't stop trying to get away. At this rate, Sans would burn their hand off.

All of this is interrupted by the sound of a door opening and shutting. Then a gasp and the sound of something being dropped to the ground.

Toriel was home.

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