Chapter 27

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Torihel hears Frisk's scream and rushes upstairs. Sans follows.

"What's going on??" Toriel's eyes drift to the stomach-churning scene on the floor. She screams. "Chara!!"

"P-Put pressure on the wound!" Frisk sputters. They held the note in their shaking hands.

Chara's suicide note.

Toriel rushes over and presses her hands to the wound. "Oh my go..oh my god...Sans, an ambulance!"

Toriel had to choke back tears.

Sans nods. He turns to Frisk and quickly speaks. "W..What does the note say..?" He dials 911 as he speaks. He moves a bit away so the operator would be able to hear him.

Frisk stares at the letter for a moment before reading it out. "I..U-Uh..."

I can tell now that it'll be easier for everyone if I'm not around. Asriel- I'm sorry I wasn't better for you. I couldn't make up for all the love and kindness you gave me. You have a right to hate me, and I understand. Frisk- You didn't have to be so nice to me. Thank you, though. I didn't deserve what you did for me and I guess this is how I repay you. Sans- I think I'm finally over hating you. You can still hate me, though. I hurt you too much. I didn't and still don't deserve your forgiveness. Mom, Dad, and anyone else I may have missed- I love you. Please don't feel bad. This is for the best.
Chara Dreemurr

Frisk's eyes welled with tears. They gripped the note tightly in their hands, ripping it a little. They start to sob.

Asriel had heard the commotion and had come out of his room. He heard everything. He watched with wide eyes, his hand over his mouth. He felt..toxic. He felt he like this was his fault and only his fault. Tears spill over and he covers his face.

Sans puts down the phone. "T..They'll be there soon. I..." He had listened to at least his part of the note while he was on the phone. "I'll grab bandages to hide our time. I..Is Chara still breathing??"

Toriel nods softly, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Y..Yes."

Sans nods and teleported downstairs to get the first aid kit. He teleports back into Chara's room and kneels down next to them. He works quickly, pulling the bandages out and wrapping them around Chara's stomach. They were all lucky Chara hadn't stabbed themself in the heart or tried any other method of suicide.

Frisk still stood were they were, sobbing. Everyone in that room felt like they were at fault. Frisk thought their fight was the last straw. Sans thought his apathy for their feelings made them snap. Asriel thought breaking ties with Chara drove them to kill themself. Toriel thought she just hadn't been treating Chara right.

In reality it was a mixture of everything going on. Chara hadn't blamed anyone before they attempted suicide. They'd only apologized to everyone.

Sans had finished wrapping Chara's wound. It was wrapped tightly. While blood was still soaking through, this would save them time until the ambulance arrived.

Everyone sits in tense silence for about ten minutes while the ambulance arrives. Toriel carries Chara to the ambulance, and they're rushed onto a gurney. None of the family was able to get in, as they were monsters and weren't considered family members. Frisk sits down on the ground after the ambulance drives off. They sob into their hands. They were terrified, as was everyone else. Toriel rubs Frisk's back and sniffles.

"They're gonna be okay.." Toriel reassures them.

Frisk trembles. "I...I know but..I'm just so scared that they won't be..a..and even if they survive they won't go out of this unscathed."

"God..I...I never thought they..felt this way.." Sans sat on the couch, head in hands and eyes wide.

Asriel was nowhere in sight. He had run off to his room. He definetely felt the worse out of everyone. He had been so awful to Chara these past few days. As much as he wanted to stay mad at them for breaking their promise, he couldn't. He acted too much on his emotions, and now he blamed them for Chara's suicide attempt. He should've just apologized. Asriel tucked in his knees and sobbed.

Sans stares at the ceiling. He was one to act too quickly due to emotion, but now he felt like he'd really overdone it. He hadn't shown much sympathy for Chara during the whole Asriel incident, and was never nice to them in general. All of this was too much for Sans to take in at once. He wouldn't cry-not in front of everyone. He stands and wordlessly walks to his room. Frisk tries to catch up to him, but they were too late.

The house radiated a general bad aura, with everyone feeling anxious and upset. Frisk hated it. They hated the silence. It have them too much room to think. Silence was even worse in a time like this, were the tension was thick. The silence could break at any moment, and it likely wasn't going to be good.

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