Chapter Three

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Chara keeps their gaze fixed on the floor as they walk onto the bus. A ton of people had seen them attack the boy earlier. And a lot of people were talking about them. Turns out the kid they had assaulted was really popular among the school. For what reason, Chara had no idea. Even still, the word got around quickly. The weirdo with red eyes attacked Danny Lin, and they should be avoided or attacked at all costs.

Nice going, Chara. You've been here for a day and you've already become a moving target for harassment.

Chara quickly scoots into a seat. Near the window. Asriel shuffles in next to them. Frisk was already on, a few seats behind Chara and Asriel.

As soon as Danny walks past their seat, Chara freezes.


...He walked by without even glancing at them. Chara feels really stupid for letting their anxiety get the best of them.

It immediately returns when someone in front of them turns to talk to them. Asriel takes Chara's hand to comfort them.

"So, you're the kid that picked a fight with Danny," She smirks. "You must be a real moron."

Chara growls. "Oh, look who's talking! I was only defending my friend."

"Let me guess," She snorts. "It's fluffball over here. You really think it's worth protecting?"

"Worth more than you are!" Chra snaps back. "God, you humans are such assholes."

"You're human too, hypocrite," She says, raising an eyebrow. She pauses. " You couldn't possibly be human. You're from hell. A dem-"

"Quit it!" Asriel snaps. "Chara didn't do anything to you! Leave them alone!"

"Aw, did I upset yo-"

Chara punches her. In the jaw. Hard. Absolutely done. With everything. "Shove off!"

She looks...shocked. She snarls and turns back, stretching her jaw.
As soon as they get home, Chara flops on the couch, exhausted and irritated. Asriel walks in after them, sighing. Frisk sits near Chara.

"I'm really sorry about what happened, Chara.." Frisk says with a frown. "I wish I could do something to help you.."

Chara laughs, humorless. "Hah...don't worry about it,Frisk."

Frisk was too pure for this world. Like an angel. They cared so much...after everything...they still cared.

"Of course I'll worry about it!" Frisk exclaims. "My friends matter a lot to me, Chara. I'll...I'll figure something out."

"...Friend..?" Chara repeats. "....You think I'm...a friend?"

"Of course I do," Frisk wraps their arms around Chara in a loose hug.

Chara pauses before hugging back. It felt...nice. They were new to positive physical contact. Frisk's arms were warm and forgiving. Chara had never realized how much they needed this....they start to hug tighter and sink their head into Frisk's shoulder. And they start to cry. All the stress from that day was finally getting to them.

Asriel seems to take the hint and walks to his room. Frisk embraces Chara tighter, smiling.

"T...Thank you, Frisk..." Chara mutters, more tears falling.

"Of course, Chara.." Frisk smiles wider.

By the time Chara lets go, The back of Frisk's sweater is soaked in tears. Chara sniffles and wipes their eyes.


"It's okay," Frisk says, shaking their head. "Do you me to get you anything..?"

Chara shakes their head. "No..I'm...I'm okay."

Frisk nods and slowly stands. They walk to the kitchen.

Chara had never felt this way. Frisk was so warm, so loving..and they smelled so nice. Chara didn't deserve someone like Frisk...someone so perfect.

They were so awful in comparison. They had done nothing but lash out at people their whole life. They'd hurt everyone who cared for them...they'd failed everyone.

But Frisk...? They had freed everyone from the underground. They were so kind to everyone..even Chara, despite all they'd done. They brought Asriel back. Perfection. Chara was filth compared to Frisk.

Chara leans back, feeling like crying again. Frisk walks back in, holding two steaming mugs. Chara smiles slightly. Frisk hands one to Chara and sits next to them.

"Made us some tea." Frisk smiles.

"Thanks.." Chara nods gratefully. They take a sip. Unmistakable- Golden Flower tea. Frisk smiles and takes a sip themselves.

"Sorry if it's too weak..haven't made tea in a while.." Frisk apologises.

"No, No, It's okay.." Chara reassures Frisk as they take another sip.

Frisk smiles. Chara feels so great while Frisk is with them...they seem to give aura. An aura of positivity. A magnet that draws in sunlight and turns it into kindness.

Chara takes this time to realize how stunningly gorgeous Frisk is. That ever-permanent, true, smile. Their eyes that always seemed to be sparkling. Their light and delicate frame.

Chara also takes in their own features. Awkward size, short, pale as a ghost....they were inferior to Frisk, even in that light. Everything about Frisk was just. Perfection.

Why would someone so perfect waste their time on someone like Chara...?

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