Chapter 10: Woah there bucko

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Dave POV
John and I sat in the circle room, He had been sitting across from me at a large sized table that fit all of us + trolls
He looked up from his lunch and book every 30 seconds (no shit i counted it off) to look up at me and stare until i caught him.
"Why are you staring at me so much dude, do you want a closer look or something?"
I was sarcastically, in a joking way of course.
John smirks at me and stands, walking back to our bedroom. I smile super wide, egghead must be all horned up or something to make him insinuate something like this. I hope its what he meant by that little skit.
I get up and follow him, the door closes behind him as I approach. When i push open the door he's shirtless and smiling.
"What's gotten into you, John?"
I say, my smile widens every second. I get closer and kiss him, my hands holding his waist. I pull away for a second to catch air.
"I don't know, just wanted an excuse to kiss you I guess."
I start kissing him again, but he disconnects from my lips this time. Kissing on my neck, biting it a little even. This.. was new?
I mean im not complaining but it was just new.
John lifts my shirt over my head with little help, then kissed down my chest toward the waistband of my pants. This was really new, my face flushed a deep shade of scarlet as I bit my bottom lip. John, now on his knees, looks up at me while undoing my pants; He's smirking and biting his lip also.
"I'm gonna make you feel so fucking good."
the fuck
is going
"John. Stop."
I back away a bit, way more confused than turned on now. Obviously my boner would say otherwise but... not the point.
"What are you doing? Why are you doing this?"
I say, I try to keep my voice low so I don't make him feel awkward or bad.
"I love you, I want to show you that I do."
I look at him, puzzled by his response.
"John. You don't have to get super sexual with me to show me that you love me, I know that you love me."
John's face softens to the point of almost looking sad, I want to ask if he's okay but I decide against it.
"Can we just... Cuddle?"
I say softly again, I wasn't all that interested in doing stuff anyway.
John says, his smile seems weak. I nod to his reply and go lay on the bed, tapping on the empty area a few times to without words tell John to get over here.
We cuddle for a while until I fall asleep.

I don't think John's been sleeping much lately.

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