Chapter 2: More Waiting???

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~Dave POV~

"This... isn't correct, it's not the right place..."

Rose looks around.

"Everyone back onto the ship, something is wrong"

Jade says, all the trolls and humans get on the ship. Everyone is on edge and confused about what's going on. Me and John have been catching up.

"So, are you and Terezi like a thing now?"

John says, curiously.

"No no, I'm totally single, single pringle... haha.."

fuck fuck this is awkward,  why am I blushing? why is john so fucking cute? WHY THE FUCK DID I THINK THAT?


Jade's voice came through the intercom.

"We have a little problem... hehe... we're in the wrong place..."

Everyone moaned and groaned about it

"It's gonna take another year or so to get to the new session, if we go at light speed the entire time we can get there just in the nick of time.. pretend I double pistol winked at Dave everyone"

I laugh and look and John, who was yawning. It was pretty late too.

"Are you tired John?"

"Yea I guess"

"Me too, where are the bed rooms?"

"This way"

John gets up and leads me to the rooms. He points to the first room in the hall.

"This one is mine."

He then point to the room right across from it.

"that one is yours."

I yawn and walk into my room

"Night John."

"Goodnight Dave."

I walk into my room,

heh, my room is red, thanks john how.... ironic of you.

I walk to my bed and take my god tier outfit leaving only my plaid boxers, I lay down and fall asleep.


I wake to a knock at my door, it's like 4 in the fucking morning this had better be good.


Oh shit it's John, quick do something striderly, c'mon make bro proud.

I quickly strike possibly the dumbest fucking pose ever.

"Dave... what the hell are you doing"

"Um nothing"

I quickly stop posing and sit up.

"What's up?"

"I um... had a bad dream... I was wondering if I..."

John started blushing madly...

holy fucking shit he is only in his boxers how did I just notice that... great now I'm blushing... fuck

"Dave are you checking me out..."

"Huh? oh no I'mnot... heh"

"ok... anyway can I?"

"... can you what?"

"Sleep in here... with you tonight"


hell yes

hell fucking yes


I scoot over and jester to the side of the bed I was sleeping on, He walks over and lays down and I make my crazy fucking move that I immediately regret. I scoot up to him, put my arm around his waist... and spoon him

I'm so fucking stupid, he is probably gonna get up and leave and hate m-

John just stays there and doesn't move, surely he didn't fall asleep that fucking fast like Jade use to.


there was an awkward silence...


"is this... um is this ok?"

John laughs a bit.

"Yea it's comforting."

"Ok goodnight John"

"Night Dave"

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