Chapter 8: No pants

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~Dave POV~

"Morning sunshine."

Johns eyes slowly flutter open, his eyes jet over to mine and a smile creeps onto his face. Without saying a word he snuggles his face into my chest and yawns.

"Cmon get up Egbert I have people to see and food to eat."


John rolls off the bed and slips one of my shirts on, I get up too, slipping into my god teir jeans and a red hoodie, not caring that I didn't have a shirt on. John and I leave the room, heading to the library.

"Oh crap I forgot my pants."

John runs back into the room to get some pants on. I continue to walk. As I get into the library, Rose and Kanaya are sitting playing with the chess table, Karkat is sitting in the corner muttering to Jade about something obviously not worth her time. Eridan is talking to Feferi, and Sollux, Gamzee and Tavros are no where to be seen.

"Hey what's going on in here?"

John walks past me, picking up an alcemized sandwich and taking a bite out of it, suprizingly the alcemized food tasted really good especially the apple juice, yea, definitely the apple juice.

"Earth to dave? Come in dave."

Rose waves a hand in front of my face trying to get my attention

"First off, the earth was demolished in a firey inferno you call an apocalypse, and secondly, I was daydreaming about aj."


I walk over and sit next to John, stealing a piece of his sandwich. He gives me a pouty face and leans up against me, sighing.

"I wish time flys fast."

John sighs.

"Me too."

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