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His phone rings. He turns over in his bed, picking it up from his night stand, looking at the caller info.
It's him
He answers the call without hesitation, holding the phone to his ear.
Not even breathing can be heard from the other side of the line.
The boy clings to his phone, holding his breath.
Still nothing.
Then suddenly a shuddering intake of air can be heard and senseless sobbing comes through, the boy on the other side of the line breaking down.
He grips his phone, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, everything flooding him at once, he breathes,
in, out, in, out, in, sob, out, sob
And their both breaking down, their walls crumbling, worlds breaking, lungs expanding and chests constricting. Both bawling into their phones, sharing a moment of utter emotion. His mind curls up, knees clutched to his chest, body shaking, phone still clutched to his ear, toes curled, face scrunched, tears streaming down his cheeks, soaking through the his pants.
In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out
His body calms suddenly. He gasps in air, filling his lungs, and let's it all out, breathing emotions through the phone. The sobbing and wailing on the other side of the line stops too, the other boy calming down,
In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out
'I'm sorry!-'
'-Oh god I'm sorry for everything-'
'-I'm so so sorry-'
'-don't h-'
'-please! Oh god please-'

'don't hate me.'


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