Jin - He asks you out

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I sat in class, twiddling with my fingers while waiting for the teacher to walk in and start teaching. However, I couldn't help but overhear people talking and I'm pretty sure they were saying my name. "I heard he liked y/n" they kept on whispering. I turned around and saw multiple eyes staring at me. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks so I turned back around, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Y/n" someone called me in a hushed tone. I looked around to try and find the voice until I figured out if was best friend. Eunha. I roll my eyes as I turn around to look at her.

"What?" I mumble.

"Did you hear that Jin liked somebody?" she gasped.

I nod my head at the question. "I mean obviously. It's the only thing the school is talking about." I mumble, fed up. Why? You may think. Because, I like Jin. But obviously he probably doesn't notice me. I mean I talk to him, but I'm not his friend or anything you know?

I mean why would he notice you y/n? It's not like your popular like him. I tell myself. I shake off the thoughts as the door opened. The classroom instantly went silent, but it turned out just to be BTS. Speaking of Jin, he walked by all the girls and smirked. Including me, but instead he winked at me.

I couldn't stop the butterflies erupting in my stomach. What? Don't blame me he's so damn hot!


The bell rung, so I quickly grabbed my things and ran out the door, pacing towards my locker so that I didn't have to wait in that long ass line for get some food. I had finished putting all my books in and was about to shut it, but instead it it slammed shut in my face. The air blowing in my face causing breeze. I stood, dumb founded. I looked up at the person, only to see the one and only Jin. I noticed that that there weren't many people in the corridors, but the people that were there, were staring in shock as if they had witnessed a murder or something.

"Do you need something?" I ask him, finally being able to get some words out.

He nods. "Actually yes." He replies, moving closer to me. I move back, but stop when my back hit the locker. He smirked a little before moving closer to my face, having to lean down. "I needed to tell you that you're the girl I like." He whispered, so that it was only possible for me to hear.

I felt heat rushing to my cheeks and my mouth dropped open. He smirked and moved his finger under my chin to close my mouth. "No need to be shocked. Just give me your answer soon. If you'll go out with me ya know?" He said, before walking off to the canteen.

As soon as he left, I let out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding in. I rest my head against the locker, memories from the last minute, crazily running through my mind. 'Just give me your answer soon.' That's all he said. How soon was 'soon'?

Tomorrow? Next week?

I try to shake of the nervousness and think of what to say to him. I want to say yes... I mean I've liked this boy for ages. But he just randomly comes up to me after paying no attention to me after all these years in school. How can I trust him? How am I supposed to know if this is some kind of joke or not? I mean, he's the one of the most popular boys in this school.


After the bell rung, I went straight to my locker, hoping that I wouldn't run into Jin today. After yesterday. My head hasn't been straight. I can't focus on lessons. All I can think of is what I'm going to say to him.

Suddenly, my locker slams shut once again and I don't need to look up because, I know exactly who it is. I turn around slowly on my heels, looking up at him finally. "Have you figured out your answer yet?" he asked me, with raised eyebrows and a smirk tugging on his lips.

I nod my head and take a step forward. Poking his chest with my index finger. "How do I know this isn't just one of your stupid games?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He looks shocked. "You don't believe me?" he asks, looking somewhat offended. I shake my head at him. "You don't believe me..." he repeats again, but mostly to himself. He then chuckles and shakes his head. "Of course you won't. You would never notice me looking from afar, staring at you in awe. Wondering how no other girl can look as beautiful as you. You don't notice me secretly listening to your conversations with your friend and quietly laughing at your jokes. And wondering why no other girl is as funny as you are. You never notice me watching you in home economics. Thinking about why no other girl would be the most perfect girlfriend. But I hope you understand that I do notice you and I do truly like you." he tells me, holding my hands as if he needed another way to prove to me.

I didn't know what to do or say. All I knew was that my cheeks must have been as red as tomatoes. I thought for a while and then the answer came to me. "Yes." I tell him.

He looked at me confusion written all over his face. "Yes what?" he questions me.

"Yes I'll go out with you." I smile shyly, looking down at the floor, weirdly interested with my feet all of a sudden. I looked up and saw that his frown instantly switched into a smile. He grabbed my face and placed a kiss on my cheek before walking off coolly.

He walked up to some other students and pointed at me. "You see her. y/n? Yeah? Well she's my girlfriend so back off okay?" he tells them, finishing it off with his cheesy smile and patting their shoulders before carrying on to tell everyone.

I giggled at him, my face heating up once again. Oh god. What have I got myself into?

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