Jimin - Make up? or Break up?

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I pace the bedroom, occasionally looking at Jimin who was sat on the edge of out bed. I ran a hand through my hair and letting out a sigh.

We haven't been on the best terms since a couple months ago. I know. A couple months. That's a long time, without being able to comfortably talk to your boyfriend. I guess we were both too busy. And that was on e of the reasons why we were like this. We were always busy and never talked anymore. When we came home, we were tired. We started to constantly disagree. About things like...What we wanted for dinner. What vegetables to buy. Where we should go on our days off.

I felt tears welling in my eyes, just thinking of how we were acting in the past.

"Jimin." I call him. He nods, but doesn't look at me and keeps his head in his hands. "What are we doing?" I ask frustrated that he wasn't co operating easily.

He shrugs, still not saying anything. I roll my eyes. "Well if you're not going to say or do anything, then I think we should... take a...break." I manage to get out, slowly.

His head snaps up, quicker than lightning. "You don't mean that right?" he asks shocked at the words coming out my mouth. I nod my head. This time though my head didn't compromise with my heart and made me do things I couldn't bare to do.

But I knew that it would be best for us if we did this. We've wasted enough time. No need to waste any more.

I blinked back my tears and walked into the bathroom, I couldn't hold back these tears anymore. I needed to get them out, before I ripped into two. I didn't hear his footstep behind me which gave me a sense of relief since, I didn't want him to see me like this. But it also broke my heart even more.

Why isn't he fighting to get me back?

Why isn't he fighting for this relationship?

Does he want this relationship anymore?

I shook off the thoughts and grabbed the toilet roll, pulling reams of tissue and wiping the warm tears running down my face.


After about a while I decided to get up and do something productive. There's no point crying for something that is not meant to happen, right? Please tell me that's right.

I looked at my reflection and saw that my eyes were red and puffy, nothing I wouldn't expect from crying for half an hour. I turned on the water before splashing some water on my face, hoping it will bring me back to reality.

I slowly unlocked the door and walked out, taking heavy steps. Having different thoughts with every step. I made my way back to the bedroom, only to see Jimin still sat on the bed, still with his head in his hands.

Has he turned into ice or something? Why doesn't he move. I stepped further into the room and I stepped on the creaky floorboard, which caught his attention. I carried on walking, not daring to make eye contact with him.

I made my way to the other side of the bed and pulled out my suitcase from under it. I unzipped it and stood up to take the clothes from the wardrobe.

I can't stay here for the night.

I'll fall apart.

From the corner of my eye I could see Jimin watching my every move. I shrugged it off. If I kept getting distracted by him, I'll never leave this place.

I was still throwing my clothes into my bag when I felt something around my waist. I froze at that very moment. I knew exactly what it was or should I say who.


"Don't go." Is all he said. And that's all I needed to hear. I put my hand over his and lowered my head staring down at the floor. "Don't go y/n..." he repeats. I sigh and turn around, still in his grip. I look up at him through the tears that had been welling in my eyes.

"We'll make this work. I promise." He mutters into my hair, before pressing a kiss against my forehead. I slowly wrap my arms around his torso and lean my chin against his chest so I could still look up at him. his grip against my wait tightened as if he was going to lose me.

"Promise?" I ask him.

"Promise." He states with a smile. I let out a giggle. The first real laugh in quite some time. He sighed. "I missed you." he mumbles under his breath.

"Not as much as me." I mutter, moving in closer to him. Trying to make up for the time I missed out with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer to me, if that was even possible.I breathed in his scent and I instantly felt safe. Something I haven't felt in a couple months.

"I love you." he smiles at me, showing off his adorable eye smile.

"I love you too." I whisper. His smiles widens once he hears my words and he gradually leans down to my level before attaching his lips to mine. And before we knew it our, lips were moving in sync just like before.

"God I fucking missed you." he mumbles against my lips, in between kisses.

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