Request: Jungkook - Unrequited love Pt 1

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A/N: Eyooo. Long time no see. So, I finally got round to writing and completing my requests. Sorry, it took so long, I just didn't have the motivation to write and when I did, I kept re-writing parts, meaning it was never done. But, I decided that if keep trying to perfect it, you guys will never get to read it so here it is. Sorry if it's not the best. Quarantine got my brain done out here and the only inspiration I got was from romance movies or Kdramas hehe.

Anyway, I didn't even realise until I read over this that I coincidentally wrote loads of BTS song titles in this request and the upcoming parts. So comment when and if you find any I'll give you a shoutout in the next chapter or summ.



I shuffled out my door, heading towards the elevator heading to work. Urh god. Somebody save me. I hate myself for staying up late binge watching BTS Run last night. I check the time on my phone.


Shit. I haven't even got time to grab a coffee on the way. I sigh out loud as the elevator door opens and I step in and press the button to the ground floor. As I waited for the doors to shut, I stared ahead at my neighbours door.

I wonder what he's doing right now. He must be resting since he's about to start promoting the new album. I can't help but let a smile crawl it's way onto my face as I continue to stare ahead.

Damn why are these elevators so slow today? I'm already late enough.

Just then I hear the 'ding' sound indicating the doors shutting which was interrupted by a yell from afar. "Hey wait. Hold the doors!" I hear. I grin already knowing who the owner of that voice is.

I instantly reach to keep the doors open and wait for him with a smile on my face. Just then he appears in front of me. "Hi Jungkook" I smile up at him, rocking back and forth on my heels.

I see him roll his eyes as he sees me in the corner of the elevator. "It just had to be you huh?" he mutters, loud enough for me to hear.

"Did you eat breakfast? You need a lot of energy, I know that you're probably working really hard with promotions right? Oh I forgot to tell you I watched you on the Grammy's. I stayed up all night to watch it. You looked very sexy, I can't lie, with your slick back hair- AND OOF the outfits! Don't get me started." I ramble on as the elevator takes us down to the lobby.

As the doors open, I continue to talk to him, as he remained silent. He suddenly  sped off walking ahead of me and down into the car park.

"See you later Y/n. I heard him say as he walked off.

I sigh, disappointed that it was once again another day of Jungkook ignoring me. I'm not sure as to why he hates to much. Shrugging off the thought I continue to make my way to work. I got to get this money someway, I guess.

Trying to think positive, I smile remembering that I was that one lucky ARMY that got to live next to her bias. The chances are one in a billion and I somehow got that chance. I guess God was on my side this time.


Couple of days later...

I was sat on my couch catching up on the multiple Itaewon Class episodes that I had missed due to being busy with my upcoming projects at work when I heard shuffling and loud noises outside the apartment. But as soon as my attention was on the sound, I couldn't hear it anymore. I shrug off any paranoid thoughts that I tend to have and go back to focusing on my show. Until a couple of minutes later, when I was interrupted by the doorbell. I let out a loud groan before stretching whilst sliding down the couch, dragging my blanket down with me. I hear the bell ring again and I call out to whoever was outside

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