Chapter 42: Party

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"Rae, wake up!" Jade is jumping all around the bed.

"shut it." I yelled irritatedly. She didn't stop and begun singing horribly so I threw a pillow at her direction.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Jade fake crying. I still didn't mind her and carried
on with my sleep.

"Fuck you Rae! You need to get up. Remember we're going out clubbing at the bar!" She shouted in my ears. I shot up straight and glared at her.
"That freaking hurts." I said.

"I don't really care there's only two hours left before we go. You've been sleeping all day. Geez." she sighed. She started curling her hair into a wavy styled.

"What time Allie is coming?" I asked her.

"Soon, I think." She replied.

"Great." I murmured.

I went on my closet to find an outfit for tonight. I decided to wear an elegant black tank top, a blazer, and a floral short matching with my heels.

I went in the showers and freshen myself. After that, I wore my clothes and put on a little make up. I also slightly curled my hair at the ends.

The doorbell rang just as soon that I'm finished. Jade ran downstairs to look who's there and came back up with Allie.

"Gosh, you looked gorgeous gurl!" She squealed.

"I could say the same for you two." She blushed. Allie is wearing a beautiful dress that lengths up to her thighs and Jade is wearing a skinny jeans, a 'i'm cool' singlet, and a leather jacket.

"Ready?" I asked. Jade is typing on her phone before replying. "Yep."

We arrived at the venue. After Jade parked her car, we went in.

The place is packed with loud music blasting, partygoers who were dancing everywhere, and intoxicated people. You can easily smell the alcohol liquors in the air.

We went to sit on a side and ordered some drinks. Well Allie and I didn't looked like seventeen year old girls because our make up made us appear matured.

"Is it alright if you drink more than usual?" Jade asked me after I took my third shot.

"Yep, why not?" I asked.

"Does Luke know?" I shook my head. Jade grabbed my glass.

"Then you can't drink much." Allie said and they gave me a look.

"Oh come on. We're out because we all want to have some fun. Let me have my freedom." I grabbed my drink from Jade's hand. Jade sighed.

"Fine, but don't drink much." I didn't listened to what she'd said. I don't care. I just want to have fun.

We took some shots and chatted there for hours. Allie and Jade went to the floor and danced. I just stayed here because I don't like being in a massive pit of people. I could feel the alcohol kicking in my system.

"Raeeeee." Calum joyfully greeted me- Wait! Calum? I realised that they all stood there.

"What are you doing here?" I blinked and rubbed my eyes.
"We were supposed to go to your house but you're all weren't there. We tried to call you but you didn't answered so we asked Jade. We all decided to come too." Michael explained to me. I couldn't understand some because of the loud music and I weren't paying attention much but all I know is that they came.

"Jade and Allie are dancing, join them if you want." I said then I took another sip on my glass.

"Allie?" Luke asked. They were confused.

"We've been friends with her for a while. She's great."


"Shhhh, we had already talked about this." I eyed him.

"Okay, but remember that I'm still not forgiving her." He sat beside me and just stared at me while the other guys ordered too.

"How did you get in?" I questioned them. Well, we're all minors here except for Ashton and Jade.

"I have certain connections here." Michael told me.

"I see."

I saw Ashton in the corner of my eyes. He seems fine. He caught me looking at him then he winked like normal. So I guess everything is back to normal. The boys partied all around. Luke and Calum is nowhere to be found. Michael and Ashton are talking with Jade and Allie.

I've lost count of the drinks I had. I'm starting to feel a bit dizzy and the surrounding is not helping at all. So I decided to go outside for a bit and sit on the empty bench. It was a cold night and I noticed I left my blazer in the car, great.

Then someone wrapped a jacket around me.

"What are you doing here outside?" Ashton said in a soft voice. Then he joined me by sitting beside me.

"I just needed some fresh air." I said quietly.

"Why are you here?" I questioned him.

"I saw you, duh" He said in a matter-of-fact tone. I giggled at him being all so cute.

"Where's Luke?"

"With Calum." I said. He replied to me with an o mouth. Then the air suddenly filled with silence.

"Ashton, why does Luke even like me? I'm such an ugly, fat, good-for-nothing person. There's nothing special about me." I bluntly said. Well that's what i've been thinking in a few days. Why would Luke and Ashton even like me when there I just see an imperfect person.

"What? Shut up. You aren't fat, you're beautiful, smart, charming, adorable, special. I just can't tell enough but for me, you are perfect. and that's what I like about you." He said in a caring voice. His eyes glistened while he talked.

"Ha ha. Very funny." None of what he said is true. I fake a laugh but I think I overdid it and my head pounded again.

Ashton noticed I flinched.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a concern voice.

"No. my head is pounding, must be from the drinks." I told him. He reached for me so he can wrap his arms around me but before that someone hit him.

I am frightened by the sight. I saw Luke with an angry face.

"What are you doing with Rae?!" He shouted.

"Nothing, you dickhead." Ashton replied and stood up earning another punch from Luke.


"No, can't you see he is pulling a move on you." He said in his angry voice.

"No! He isn-" I tried to speak but I was cut when Ashton started to throw a punch back to Luke.

"You don't even care about her. Where were you in the first place?" Ashton yelled. They started throwing punches at each other violently.


"S-s-s-top." I shakily murmured. Tears started falling from my eyes.

"Stop it." I said but they didn't hear.

"STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" I shouted and they stopped instantly.

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