Ch. 7: SHIP

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Ni☆U: <3<

ZEN: oh my gosh STAHP

Jumin Han: ???

Ni☆U: it's a spade. It means hateship~~~


Ni☆U: I'm no one? D8

Jumin Han: yes.

ZEN: yes

~Ni☆U left the chat~

Jumin Han: You scared her away

ZEN: whatever

ZEN: Where'd she go?

ZEN: come back! Don't leave me alone w trust fund kid!!!

Jumin Han: You're stuck with me meow~

ZEN: please

ZEN: don't

ZEN: the only reason I'm staying is because I'm intensely bored.

Jumin Han: "intensely bored"

Jumin Han: interesting word choice

ZEN: shut UP

ZEN: JEEZ you have no off button, do you???

Jumin Han: nope

ZEN: lol idiot

Jumin Han: ^^ yup

ZEN: why did you agree w me???

Jumin Han: distracted- sitting @ table w my dad

ZEN: put down your damn phone!

Jumin Han: he doesn't care he's having a conversation.

ZEN: put your phone down.

Jumin Han: u first

~ZEN left the chat~

Jumin Han: lol

Jumin Han: hay wait come back

Jumin Han: UGH

~Jumin Han left the chat~

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