Ch. 10: The REAL Party pt. 1: Take 2

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When I woke up again in the morning, I was more exhausted than I had wished to be. I shook my head as hard as I could to wake myself up, but to no avail. Eventually, I gave up and left my room groggy.

I was dressed when I went into the main room, where only Josh and Yoosung were. "Why are you two up this early?"

"I always get up early...." Yoosung yawned mid-sentence.

"Early morning hunting." Josh laid back on the couch opposite Yoosung, with his arms behind his back and a wolfish grin on his face.

I walked over and removed his legs from the upholstery, and he pouted. I sat next to him, where his feet were. "Do either of you want breakfast? And what do you mean hunting?"

Josh laughed at my concerned face, and shook his head. "Werewolf business, not yours. I didn't really go hunting, I just got bored of laying in bed. You remember waking me up at three?" I nodded. "Well I didn't go back to sleep." he shrugged

"You should at least try again, Josh." I spoke with (what I hope was) concern in my voice. He shook his head again.

"No, I'm okay. I've lived on less for a day. Did you say something about food?" he grinned again and I sighed.

"Yes, I'll have the chef prepare something."I got up and moved towards the door, before stopping. "Is anyone else awake?"

"FJ's behind the couch Yoosung's on." Josh gestured. She yelled from her siding space.

"Tattle tale!"

I chuckled, and left for the kitchen.

When I returned after coaxing the chef from sleep, everyone else was awake and milling around. I removed FJ from the top of the couch where she had perched herself, and asked what everybody wanted.

I've never seen the entire RFA come to a unanimous decision so fast.

"Waffles and bacon it is then...." I told the chef, and sat back down, this time next to Jaehee.

"So, Yoosung's been your assistant about as long as I was. Has your father hit on him yet?" Jaehee chuckled.

"If I showed emotion, I would've laughed at that." I couldn't help but crack a smile at the thought of my dad mistaking Yoosung for a woman.

Jaehee laughed out loud, then shrieked, as Elizabeth was dropped on top of her by Seven.

"Seven!" I shouted, scooping my cat off of a ringing Jaehee and into my lap. "Do not touch my cat. Do not pick up my cat. Do not drop my cat on other people." I snarled the last part, and Josh and FJ both began laughing.

"I warned you dawg." FJ shouted, and Josh almost fell over laughing at that.

"She warned you about... I dunno, Jumin? I can't think of anything that rhymes with 'stairs'..." Josh's failed attempt at following up on a Homestuck reference made me cringe.

...Don't ask me why I know what that's a reference to. They've been here a long time.

After eating, I had the clean up crew come through, while Yoosung, Jaehee and FJ all insisted on helping them, despite their protests. The rest of the RFA moved to the main room again, and the group chat rang.

ZEN: Is everyone at your smelly cat house ready yet?

ZEN: Because I'm getting on the plane in about 5 min

Jumin Han: ya

Ni☆U: I'm supr excited~!


Jumin Han: please don't do this again we have parties every other month this whole spamming thing is very annoying

Ni☆U: ;;

Balletbooty: Many excitement ^^

Baehee: Why? It's the same thing every time

Balletbooty: Dunno. Just got this feeling it'll be different this time~

Ni☆U: lol me too

Frostedcodes: What's the address again?

Jumin Han: <address link>

Frostedcodes: cool thanks

~Frostedcodes left the chat~

ZEN: Getting on the plane now bye

~ZEN left the chat~

Jumin Han: We should probably get going too, the address is a while away via car.

Yoosung: By "car" I bet you mean "limo"

Jumin Han: ya actually


Jumin Han: Don't

Jumin Han: Break

Jumin Han: Anything.

Ni☆U: jeez I won't

~Jumin Han left the chat~

I stand and tell driver Kim to get ready (it really is very strange for me to have an Assistant Kim and a driver Kim) and everyone piles into the long vehicle, ready to begin the journey to the airport.  

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