Ch. 9: The REAL party- pt. 1

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I woke up at 3am, on soft sheets- nothing new- and reached out to scratch Elizabeth 3rd's ears. She's not there, that's something new.

I sat up and looked around. Elizabeth was curled up on the ground, next to-

"Josh?" I stood and sast down next to him, shaking him to wake him "Why are you on my floor?"

"Mmph." He mumbled and hugged Elizabeth closer, swatting me away. I stood up and picked Elizabeth up, out of his arms. He whined in complaint and reached up for her. I kicked him and he groaned and rolled over.

"It stormed last night... FJ and Seven cuddle while they sleep so sleeping her floor was awkward." He mumbled, curling back into the small blanket he had brought in.

I kicked his side again. "Get up." again. "Don't sleep on the floor. Either go back into your room or sleep in my bed, but don't-" Shit. SHIT what did I just say. "Sleep there...."

He shrugged and got up, and I held my breath for a moment. He left the room, and I exhaled. Then I picked Elizabeth up before she could follow him, shut the door, and went back to sleep with her curled up against me.  

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