Ch 11: The REAL party pt. 2: The final chapter (allegedly)

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Current placement:

707's route- completed.

Zen's route- completed.

Yoosung's route- completed as well???

Secret 01: completed.

Secret 02: completed??? Wow, okay.

Jeez, some hiatus she's been on, eh? Well, right back into it.

We pile into the limo (Elizabeth tried to follow us but Jumin put her back inside... three times.) and get onto the road.

The back of the vehicle is big, and spaced out. It isn't like a normal car, with all the seats facing front, the back has seats facing all four directions, except there weren't any seats on the insides of the doors.

My jaw dropped slightly at how roomy it was. I buckled up facing sideways, Jumin sat on one side of me and FJ on the other side. "This is a lot of room for a little car like this." I snickered, earning me a smack from FJ and an eyeroll from Jumin.

"Little my ass!" FJ shouted, laughing too. "This thing is frickin' huge! Jumin, are you compensating for something?" She continued laughing while Jumin glared daggers at her.

Jaehee doubled over laughing and Yoosung snorted.

"Yes, compensating for my lack of intelligent friends." He deadpanned, and FJ gasped bombastically and dramatically pretended to faint. The whole car started laughing, excepting Jumin.

"I can't figure out what was better about that, Jumin's face or FJ's response." I choked out between chuckles.

"Oh, most definitely my face." Jumin spoke with no hesitation and FJ wrinkled her nose, to which Jumin responded with the middle finger.

Once we finally arrived, we were escorted to the door by bodyguards to avoid paparazzi, all trying to get a comment from Jumin about rumours going around about his preference, affairs, etcetera. Honestly....

FJ immediately swung herself up onto the stage to test out the microphones, and Jaehee went to the door to let Zen and Rose into the building whenever they showed up. About 15 minute before noon, everybody was there, and the sound system was set up properly- thanks to Rose and Seven.

"FJ, are you and I greeting the guests or will it be Zen?" I asked when she leaped off the stage. Jaehee took her place in front of the microphone.

FJ shrugged. "I think Zen and I've got it. Just go do whatever! I'm letting guests in now!" She shouted the last part to Zen and bounced over to the door.

I walked over to the dining area, where Yoosung was wandering around. The guests usually avoided this area until later in the night, so I figured I could avoid social interaction for the time being. I sat down and pulled out my phone.

~New message~

Jumin Han: Where are you

Balletbooty: Dining area. Why, are you already tired of talking? Lol

Jumin Han: I've got a cultured citizens member hanging on my arm I need help

Balletbooty: lol how could I help? XD

Jumin Han: idk come act like a jeaoud bf or sth

Jumin Han: I cannot text onehander

Balletbooty: lololol drag her into here I'll save you lol

Jumin Han: k

I snickered. Welp, so much for no social interaction. I couldn't wait to see this scene. I stood next to the door, and waited in the darkness. When Jumin arrived, with a fancily-dressed woman in tow, I jumped out and shouted "Boo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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