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We arrive at in front of my house door. I get off from him and knock the door. "Finally you home! I think that you'll never come back." My sister says after she opens the door. Jin laughs hearing to my sister words. I look down and taking a deep breath trying to calm down. "Oh, Jin aa... you sent her home? I'm sorry for burden you." My sister says. "No! No! It's not a big deal." He says and the smile that curved on his face is so bright.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry and thank you." She says. I roll my eyes, why should she feeling guilty. "No, it's okay. No need to thank me." He says. "I'll be going home first. See you later." He says and climbs our gate and landing on his front yard safely. It isn't weird to us anymore. He usually did that. He always cane to my house for a free snacks and sometimes for a free lunch, or dinner or for looking at my sister. I'm not sure, but I think there's something between them.

And that is so annoying. He is so close with my sister. Sometimes the way they look at each other means something. Are they love each other? Did they? No! They can't. Ugh. Both of them are my enemy. If they unite, I'm dying. Thinking about them just annoying. The moon light shine in my room. Oh, how beautiful!

I look outside my window to look at the moon. Suddenly, my eyes landed on Jin who also looking outside the window and is looking at me! He winks at me! I close my window and the curtain. I sit on my bed. Did he just wink at me?? Why did he winks at me? Is he crazy?

I lay on my bed. "Mina ya!!" That's my sister. "Come down for dinner." She says. I sigh. I just lay on my bed and now I need to go down? I don't feel hungry. But, food is more better than a nag for all day long. I come out from my room and going down the stairs and arrived at the dining table. From the sit, I can see them at the kitchen. My sister is doing something that I can't clearly see because her body is blocking it and next to her is Jin leaning on the table and watching my sister. The eyes, the looks. It shows how much he loves my sister.

I hate it! I can't stand looking at them. I'm going back to my room. "Mina ya.. where are you going?" It's Jin's voice. I turn to look at him walking towards me. "To my room!" I reply harshly. "No! Eat your dinner." He says. "I'll eat it later." I reply and going up the stairs. "Eat with us! Let's eat together." He says. I just ignore him until I hear my sister calls my name. "Mina!!". I sigh heavily. I really can't run. I turn back to the dining table and when I pass by Jin, I whisper to him, "Don't act like my brother. You will not become one!". He only smiles and take a sit in front of me.

After finishing our dinner, my sister washing the dishes and Jin cleaning up the dining table. Like always, it's a good thing for me. I just relax~ I grab the remote tv and turn the tv on. There's nothing to watch. It's boring. All the channel is boring! "Should we watch the movie?" Jin asks. "What movie?" My sister asks back. They sit on the long sofa but sitting far from each other. I'm sitting on the single sofa and opposite the tv. "I don't know, let's just watch anything." He says and put the random cd in the cd player. Soon, the movie starting.

But I don't understand the story line. So, it's boring. Suddenly, there's a kissing part and I can see both of them feeling uncomfortable. They are awkward to each other. I feel disgusted. I better leave them alone. I'm going up to my room. I lay on my bed. Staring at the ceiling blankly. I don't no why I feel hurt. I don't like him. It's just sometimes when he is on his good mannered side. I hate him if he is on his bad side.

Okay, part two has release. Wait for the part three. ;)

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