• Chapter 1 •

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As me and my father walk to platform 9.3/4 I can feel his case hitting off my leg. My father says it's my great grandfather's case. But.. he won't let me know what's in it.

People are walking past giving us stares and glares. But I don't know why, all I have on the trolley is an owl, and 3 suitcases that says Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Stupid Muggles.

We have reached the platform but my father grabs my hand and starts walking into a pillar, well running more like.

"FATHER! We are going to crash, and the Hogwarts train should be here any minute" I scream

He keeps going and I brace myself for impact but.. there is no impact. We go straight through the pillar and onto a different platform. Platform 9.3/4.

I gasp as I look around and see all the wizards and witches in front of me boarding the train saying goodbye to their family and getting ready for their first year at Hogwarts.

I turn to my dad, and see that he has a really smug face on him. I smile and start to grab my suitcases and my owl.

"Goodbye Father" I say and hug him with tears in my eyes.

He hugs me back, tightly and just as I am about to board he grabs my hand.

"Father what are you doing?"

He smiles and hands me his case. I gasp because he has never let me go near it.

"Willow. Take my case. And when you get to Hogwarts open it and go inside. There is something special for you in there and it can help you through your years at Hogwarts. But.. don't let anyone know. Promise?"


And with that I board the train and he doors close.

I am so ready for Hogwarts.


"Hey girl, what's in the case?" A boy from behind asks me

"I'm sorry but that's none of your business, it could be girl things"

"Ooooh" the rest of his gang  say

"What's your name?" He asks

"What's yours?"

"I asked first" he smirks

"Willow Scamander"

"Draco Malfoy"

After he says that he and his gang walk away probably to pester other people.

As I start to find a seat I can feel little paws crawl down my legs.

As they reach the ground a little ferret comes out, he looks quite terrified.

I pick him up and put him in my pocket. "Come on, your with me now" I say to him.

I put my suitcases up but keep the one my dad gave me with me, that Draco Malfoy might want to steal it.

I start walking up the train but I don't get very far as I'm knocked over by someone.

"So, sorry" he says

"No bother, no bones broken" I laugh as he helps me up.

"Harry, Harry Potter" he puts out his hand

"Your the boy who lived?" I gasp, shaking his hand

"Uh why yes I am" he smiles

"I'm Willow Scamander!" I grin quit widely.

His mouth opens slightly, it's almost like a gasp but a failed one. Odd

"Well I best be going back to Hedwig and Ron" he says " it was nice meeting you" he walks past

"You too"


{ Harry's P.O.V }

"You too" she says

I open the doors to where I was sitting and Ron is digging into the sweets.

"Oi where 'ave you been" he asks

"I just bumped into someone"


"Promise not to think I'm crazy"


"Fine then I won't tell you"

"Ok ok ok fine, I promise" Ron rolls his eyes

"A Scamander!"

His face drops at my words, he looks quite shocked.

"The guy? Who, no he didn't. But no he did?"

"Please tell me you know who Newt Scamander is?"

"I want to say yes Harry I really do"

"I'll tell you at Hogwarts"


{ Willow P.O.V }

I ended up sitting by myself the whole train ride. But I played with my new Ferret - Eddie -.

He has a weird character and he was very interested in my fathers case.

I know my father said not to open it but there was a nagging feeling in me that felt like I had to open it.

It started to freak me out because the clips kept popping open. So I had to sit on it.

I got a few off looks from people but brushed it off.

The train stopped and I grabbed my suitcases and made sure Eddie was ok.

When I got out of the train a massive man with a large beard and long hair stood before me

"Right first years this way, don't be shy. Come on"

The massive man lead us up the road to some carriages but there was no horses, no unicorns, no trolls, no nothing. It was pulling itself.

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