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Hermione had woken up to the loud sound coming from the kitchen.  With droopy eyes she tried to see what was happening from the small squeaky bed which Mrs. Weasly had asked her to sleep in. 

She hadn't slept the entire night because she was up late contemplating whether to write a letter to Draco or not.  She still wasn't sure about what they are,  but she thought That a simple 'Merry Christmas'  won't do any harm. Before she could change her mind she had scribbled down a messy merry Christmas on a piece of parchment and had quickly tied it to the Barn owl which was there in The Burrow and the barn owl flew away into the night with the parchment tied to its scrawny feet.
As soon as the barn owl flew away Hermione regretted it. she shouldn't have sent it,  she thought. 
She didn't know whether Draco accepted her as a friend or not,  she felt stupid sending that letter to him.

When another loud squeal was heard the curiosity got better of her and when she looked out she saw a mob of uncombed messy black hair and she instantly knew that it was Harry. 

"Harry,  is it you?" she asked to make sure that  she was not dreaming.  Upon hearing her voice,  Harry had turned to look at her. 

His battle scares were slightly faded,  and there was a stubble starting to grow on his face.  There were more lines and crease etched on his face making him looked worried though he was grinning from ear to ear. 

Hermione quickly hurries towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug.  Suddenly a heavy body jumped on them and tried to hug them both.
Hermione got a quick sight of red hair which hinted her that it was Ron.  All three laughed and hugged each other and quickly got into speaking about what had happened in the past four months. 


Draco pulled his trunk along with him as he bursts through the doors of his mansion.  He didn't want to take a look around his mansion and go through a memory lane. Every corner reminded Draco of his father and he certainly didn't wanna be reminded of him . He was trudging through the stairs and had almost reached his room when the tiny voice of his mother stopped him.

He didn't turn around.  He didn't want to see her.  He didn't want to see what his father has done to his mother by leaving her to suffer on her own. He didn't want to turn around and see how he had destroyed everything.  He didn't want to.
He mumbled a quick "I will be in my room"  and had rushed inside his room and slammed the door shut.

As soon as the Door shut he couldn't hear anything.  The silence was almost drowning him like how it had almost drowned him in Hogwarts.  He quickly closed his eyes shut and gave himself a moment to collect himself back.  He opened his eyes and was met with the Gray walls of his room. All the photos and posters he had hung up had been removed. His room was simply cold and plain.
He sat down on his Bed and looked outside the window seeing the soft falling of puffs of snow covering the ground.  All of a sudden he heard a owl hooting and he turned to look at a Gray barn owl flying swiftly towards him. 

It perched down on the wooden windowsill,  and showed the letter tried to its scrawny foot.  He looked questionable at the owl as he slowly undid the ties and retrieved the letter from the owl,  he reached towards his bags and quickly fished out the owl treats he had in them and fed it to the owl.  As the owl was pecking at its treat,  he opened the parchment still wondering who could have sent him.

There written in a messy handwriting like as if the person was in a hurry,  was a Merry Christmas. 
He instantly knew that it was Hermione who had sent it Though there was no name on the cover .  The handwriting was messy but he knew that it was her.  In all his potion classes,  he had observed how she writes while taking down notes.  Like show she never completes the curve of her Rs and how the slants of her Ts goes up.  

Those simple two words bought a huge smile on his face which was set in a grimace.  He quickly put the letter inside his drawer . He wanted to tease and posses it for some reason .

He hurriedly took a roll of  parchment out of his trunk and quills and ink pots from his trunk and prepared to write a letter for her. For Hermione .

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