The burrow .2

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"Merry Christmas you both"  Hermione shouted as she tried to wake up both of those mutts whom she called as her friends. 

Ron upon hearing her pulled his blanket over his head and rolled over to his left.  Hermione quickly used a spell to levitate a book from the shelf next to Ron's bed and made it hover above his head.

"Ron you better wake up and see my present for you or... " Ron still hadn't made a move to get out of the bed,  so Hermione made the book which was hovering above his head to fall on his head.

Ron got up with a startled yelp.
" Merlin woman! You see starting to take after my mom " he was furiously rubbing the place where Ron had been hit by the book.

Hermione gave a satisfied smirk and walked over to Harry.  She quickly pulled the blanket of him making Harry groan out in protest. 

" Hermione it's like 6 in the morning! "Harry and Ron protested while they both stumbled out of their beds.

" oh hush! It's presents time!! "Hermione shouted with glee.

Hermione quickly waved her wand and made the Ron's present to settle down on the foot of his bed.

Ron tore the rapper quickly,  hone was the sore mood and grumpy mess and was filled with the excitement for Christmas.

It was a Honey Dukes special edition candy box which Hermione knew that Ron loved them.

"merlin! That's the best Christmas gift so far well apart from the time Bill bought me a Chunky cannons poster,  but yeah still this is pretty Close to it!  " Ron with glee quickly popped in a chocolate which was covered in something gold.

" hey,  where is mine? Did u wake me up to see what was Ron's present?  " Harry looked at Hermione while he adjusted his glasses. 

" of course not! Just a moment,  I will be right back!  " Hermione Said as she rushed back to her room.

Hermione was quite scared about Harry's reaction,  she didn't want to bring back old memories through this gift,  but for some strange reason she thought he would like it.

Harry upon hearing a hooting noise got a hint about what it was.  And it was proved WHEN Hermione walked in holding a bronze cage,  wherein a Grey barn owl sat looking at Harry with beady eyes. 

Hermione  nervously laughed as she placed the cage on the foot of Harry's bed. 
Harry for a moment didn't say anything,  he just stared at the cage.

"Harry,  I know that nothing can replace Hedgwig and I know how you - " Hermione started to explain scared that Harry was going to back to his old times where he was completely depressed.  She felt stupid for buying the owl as a gift for him.  But Harry had stopped her in mid sentence and there was a small smile starting to grow on his face. 

"I really love this gift,  Really Hermione,  thank you " Harry said.  And then he slowly reached forward and released the lock of the cage and the owl swooped out and Sat upon Harry's desk.  Harry quickly waffles towards the owl and inspected him and then turned around to his friends. 
" What do you think I should name him? "
" Azore? " Ron asked mid way though his chocolates. 
" yep! That sounds perfect " Harry gleamed and slightly patted Azore.


It was the end of the holidays and Mrs. Weasly was helping Hermione with packing up her trunk.  Ron and Harry had left earlier for they had some important investigation to do with their work.  Bill and Fleur's had left this morning leaving Mrs. Weasly all emotional. 
As Hermione placed the last of her books inside the trunk,  Mrs. Weasly sat down next to Hermione.

"finally,  away from all those boys.  Now tell me,  how have you been in Hogwarts? I heard from Minerva that you have become very silent,  should I be concerned about this?  "Mrs. Weasly asked with worry in her eyes. 

Hermione was grateful for Mrs. Weasly's motherly affection but she knew better than to confine with what has been troubling her and how she hasn't gotten over the war.  Hermione knew that Mrs. Weasly was still grieving for her dead son,  Hermione herself had seen Mrs. Weasly going though the twins bedroom,  sitting up on Fred's bed and softly brushing her hands against the blanket of the bed.

Hermione smiled at Mrs. Weasly and shook her head.  "No,  Mrs. Weasly.  I am perfectly fine.  I am just taking some time to adjust to not having Ron and Harry next to me but I promise you that I will be better" Hermione said reassuringly.

"yes Dear but - "Mrs. Weasly was cutoff by a sharp voice from the corridor. 

Mrs. Weasly quickly drew in a deep breath trying to calm herself down.

" GEORGE WEASLY you better stop eavesdropping with those damn Extendable Ears of yours for Marlins sake! I WANT IT OUT OF THIS HOUSE,  DO YOU HEAR ME? " Mrs. Weasly yelled out with rage.

" Merlin women! You don't need to yell,  I can hear you pretty well through my extendable ears " George shouted making Hermione laugh and Mrs. Weasly to walk out of the room in rage.

Drought Of Peace <h.p>Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang