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The Weaslys and Harry and Hermione were seated around the table and were having their breakfast, while Mrs. Weasly was busily waving her wand around putting more bacon on Fleur's Plate who had arrived with Bill within few minutes of Harry's and Ron's arrival.

Mr. Weasly was speaking with Harry In Hushed voices about the secret investigation going on in the Ministry, Ron spoke with Hermione about how the ministry was and how he felt that being an Aurora was cool.
Hermione was laughing at Ron when he described one of his investigation with a muggle, who had seen a speaking tea pot.
"I really missed you Hermione "Ron said as he shoved another piece of bacon inside his mouth.

" trust me, I missed you all too! It was so boring in the Gryffindor common room without you both " Hermione said honestly while she pushed away her half eaten plate of breakfast.
" ah! Finally you accepted that your life will be boring without us both "Ron laughed out loud and Hermione gave him a hard smack on his right arm.

While they were speaking Ginny came running from upstairs and sat down for breakfast next to Hermione.

" hey, there was a letter for you in your room " Ginny said as she handed it over to Hermione.

Hermione with panic quickly pulled the envelop from Ginny. She didn't know why she was scared, but then she didn't want anyone knowing about this. She felt that it must be a Secret which must be shared only between a certain Malfoy and her alone.

She could feel Ron's eyes burning into the envelope trying to read from whom it was. But Hermione hid it under her robes and quickly picked up her fork and knife and started to eat her breakfast.

Ron noticing the strange behaviour turned to Hermione suspiciously . "from whom did the letter come from?"
Hermione chewed down the rest of the eggs and prepared herself for his questions.

"it's not like I get letter from you and Harry alone... You know "

" well everyone you are friends with are here, I am just asking out of concern Hermione " Ron urged Hermione to spill the beans, but Hermione is quite stubborn and she wouldn't.

Ron has been concerned over Hermione ever since the battle had ended, somehow he started to see himself as a person to protect Hermione from harm's way, he was always cautious whenever Hermione or Harry were next to him like he was expecting Voldermort to pop out from the walls with his serpent like face and shoot killing curses at his best friends.

Without answering him she got up picking up her plate and cast a spell for the plate to get washed.
She jogged outside and when she was far away from the Burrow and was in Mr. Weasly's shed she quickly whipped out the envelope.

As soon as she opened, something fell out from the envelope onto her palm.
It was a beautiful golden Serpent badge. typical slytherine. She thought as she fished out the neatly folded paper.

Dear Hermione,
Merry Christmas to You too! Thanks for the brief letter you sent. And oh yeah! Don't stick around with Potter and that weasel too much, then potions classes will become unbearable with you.

P.s there is a serpent badge
inside the envelope which is your Christmas present from me.

Hermione was grinning from ear to ear when she read the letter and was rubbing her fingers over the edge of the rough parchment. She quickly folded the parchment and hid it in her robes. Then she took out the serpent badger out again, it shined against the light in the shed.
The badge kind of reminded her of him. Elegant and graceful as a serpent. She thought as she ran towards her bedroom running past Ron and Harry who were doing charms on each other.

She quickly opened the trunk and hid the letter and the serpent badge under her school robes. As soon as she closed her trunk down, she heard someone knocking on the door.

"come in " she replied as she tucked the trunk back under her bed.

Harry and Ron barged in and quickly made their way to the bed and sat down.

" how have you been Hermione? " Harry asked at her as Ron was going through the books places on top of her bed.

" I have been good Harry, been good " she said as she rested her back against the wall for support.

" so tell me what is happening in the ministry, Ron here was telling me some pretty funny investigations he had going on " she said trying to change the topic which was centered around her.

" being an Auror is definitely different from what I thought of it... I have to think through everything and not to mention, after the battle it's like everyone has put their trust in me so I am like bearing a big baggage now. I have to make sure what I am doing the right thing. I have to make decisions. The right ones. And trust me it's so hard for me " Hermione knew how Harry felt, he had gone into depression as soon as the battle had ended. His dreams were tainted by those who gave their lives for him . Hermione herself had experienced it.... Some nights she saw her parents being tortured by Voldermort , some nights it was like she was back in the battle and seeing everyone she knew of dieing.. Again.
But Harry had Ginni to pull him up, but Ron and Hermione bad to be on their own.

" oh Harry... " Hermione quickly pushed herself from the wall and hugged Harry." everything will be alright, Ron and I will always be there for you ".

She broke away from Harry as the door opened. Mrs.Weasly was standing there in her floral print robes, and a messy red hair reaching up to her shoulders, there was dark bags under her eyes and what once used to be the most happiest face, was adorned by creases.

"Oh dear? What is this? A pity party! Get down, get down. Ron and Harry help your brothers with the gnobes into he garden , and Hermione I was hoping you could come with me to Diagon Alley, got some last things to buy for Christmas " She chirped.

" Mom! Why can't I Come with you to Diagon alley? I want to try those new flavored ice creams in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour " Ron whined.

"Oh Hush Ron! You just now finished the entire turkey up there, give your stomach a rest. And Harry Dear anything that need you need FROM diagon Alley? " Mrs. Weakly asked smiling upon Harry like a concerned mother.
Harry shook his head and declared that he is going  down to help with the Gnobes. Ron grudgingly got  up and dragged his foot lazily behind Harry and went down the stairs.

Mrs. Weasly turned to Hermione and affectionately patted her hair and pushed her front bangs from her eyes. And turned around and left.

For the first time ever since the war, Hermione didn't feel lonely.

Drought Of Peace <h.p>Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon