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She finally shut up. He wanted out fast so he pulled out his wallet and keys, dropping them on the table in a way that would make enough noise to alert her, but quiet enough nobody else would notice. God could you imagine if anyone saw him there with her?! The jock with the wanna be. What did I ever see in her? Her looks? Eh. They were okay, she had pretty crayon colored eyes but her hair was stringy and blonde, it kinda reminded him of hay. She was definitely too short, and had no curves. Okay it definitely wasn't her looks. Athleticism? Eh probably. What she lacked in looks she made up for in athletic ability and smarts. She was honor roll and varsity. What are the odds? I don't know, maybe it was the idea of having something nobody wanted. I guess that could be appealing. Well whatever it was I really needed to figure it out. I couldn't make a mistake this bug again. Ever. Like seriously. This was a major blow on the popularity scale. Lost a hot homecoming date over this. God I had to get my priorities straight.

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