Chapter 2: Him

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I let my car keys fall on the table and threw my bad on the couch. "Mom! I'm home!" I screamed, not wanting to waste the energy finding her. I was on a date with a whore. Not a physical whore of course, for all he knew, the girl had never even kissed a guy. Poor little thing, it was almost depressing to be an eleventh grader who hadn't had their first kiss. But that's beside the point. She was an emotional whore. She'd suck up every little bit of your happiness-wait did I say date? Damn. Definitely couldn't make that mistake again. That was definitely not a date. If anything it was her talking and him being bored out of his mind. For 27 minutes. Well, that's 27 minutes of my life I'll never get back. I slid out of my coat and sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote hoping to catch the last quarter of Sunday night football. Fuck. She made me miss that too. Was there anything this girl couldn't screw up?!

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