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I flipped through the channels trying to find something relatively entertaining. I looked at my bag realizing I still had homework. I sighed. Mr. Burnett could kiss my ass. I kept flipping till I found some show that looked like a 90s spin off of American dad. It would have to work. I wasn't going to waste any more time, I probably wouldn't end up watching it anyway. I pulled out my phone. 72 notifications. I groaned, expecting at least 14 of them to be from her. But to my surprise, not a single one was. Most of them were from guys from the team, a couple wanting to know schedules, a few needing rides, and the rest wanting to know if I could bring beer to a party I didn't know I was having. There was a couple from this hot chick i had met a couple days ago in history class, turns out you can learn something if you pay attention, in my case I learned what the inside of her room looked like. I skipped by those, I wasn't a hit it and quit it guy, but I didn't have time for a booty call right now. I scrolled further down the list, a few emails, a text from my coach reminding me my college scout meeting was next week, and a text from my dad. "I won't be home this week. Your mother and I got into a fight and I needed some time away. Good luck at state this weekend. Make me proud champ. -Love Dad". Well that explained the errie silence of the house. I'd probably be recovering a text from my mother in a few minutes saying she staying at Marges, or Bethany's, or her mothers. I asked her once why she couldn't just stay here if dad wasn't in the house. I got a couple of different answers. "Because our bedroom is where your dad keeps his whore. Because it still smell like your father and I prefer not to sleep with the trash. Because your father-" the list went on and on. Well, since his mother wouldn't be returning home anytime soon that meant he was in charge of dinner. He picked up the phone and called in a pizza. Large pepperoni, double cheese, one Pepsi, breadsticks, and a cookie pie. A lot of food for one guy I know, but whatever I didn't eat tonight would be breakfast, and lunch, and probably dinner tomorrow. I taped a 20 to the front of my door and went upstairs to shower. The pizza guy was here so frequently he knew where to hide it, how much of a tip he was allowed, and the amount of each sauce to bring. I prided myself on this fact and laughed about it as I undressed.

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