Explosions are fun!**

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"No," Sirius facepalmed. "You can't do anything with a paper bag over your head."

Henry didn't get why he couldn't. It was fun. So what if he hit his head? It's not as if he fell off the stairs (The couch is a totally different story.).

"Henry, please just take the bag off."


After a brief argument (That lasted 20 minutes.), they came to the agreement that Henry could still wear the bag, as long as there was a hole in it so he could see.

"Alright, just stay right here. I'm going to get Mom's present," Sirius said squinting."Can I trust you?"

"YEAH!" Henry yelled.

"Mmmmm. Ok. But, you remember the rule about being alone in the kitchen, right?"

"Don't do anything Dad would do!"

"Where did you get that?" Sirius asked while frowning.


"Classified. You got it from your mom, didn't you?"

"Uh." Henry started to get nervous.


When Nixie got home, it seemed that for the first time in a long time, there was nothing.

A good nothing.

Nothing on the walls, no loud noises, no miniature explosions.

Getting suspicious, Nixie looked up. Nothing on the ceiling either. That's when she saw it on the table. A 'Cooking for Dummies' book wrapped in a scarf.

"The book was Dad's idea!"


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