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"Sh- "

Sirius looked at the wide-eyed Henry, staring at the destruction.

"-ooot. Shoot."

Henry looked up at his dad, with a pitying look in his eyes.

"You're a dead man."

"NO!" Sirius cried, looking around wildly. "There is always a way out."

Henry looked at the carnage. There was no way he could get out of this. The ceramic splinters sat in the bottom of the sink, taunting them.

"I hope you realize that this is your fault. You actually have to take the blame this time." Henry said.

"NO!" Sirius cried once again. "You're still cute! You could take it!"

Sirius reached forward, squishing Henry's cheeks together.


Nixie walked in to the house.


What the hell did they do now?

As she walked into the kitchen, she saw Sirius and Henry arguing, and the remains of a plate in the sink.

"What- "She stood gaping. "What happened?"

"Well..." Sirius said, looking nervous. He gave a sideways glance to Henry who was shaking his head.

"Well. I broke a plate. But- "Sirius said pulling Henry in front of him as a shield. "Isn't our kid cute?"

"Sirius! He's 27!"

Sorry for not updating for a while. And sorry for the length. BUT there WILL be another chapter coming in a few days.

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