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<just a reminder of what ruby is wearing ☝🏻️☝🏻>

Rubys pov:

I slipped on my jacket and looked myself over in the mirror , once I looked presentable I jogged down the steps and slipped on my boots. I got to the counter and grabbed the keys to my motorcycle.

<make to her motorcycle is called the zero fx5 electric motorcycle>

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<make to her motorcycle is called the zero fx5 electric motorcycle>

As I drive down the road to the pub Merle was at getting drunk off his face whilst gettin' in fights with some guys, I let the wind go through the my hair and the roar off the engine smooth me . I zoom down the road as the bar comes in view and I slow the bike down and curve into park next to Merle's truck . I pull the keys out and hop off my bike letting my feet stomp on the ground as I pull my intimidating face and smash open the bar doors . I see Merle on the floor with a guy on top punching in his jaw but soon stops as he notices me .

" 'da hell d'ya think you' doin' to ma brother!" Everyone goes silent at the sight of me . Around this town everyone knows who I am and they all now I'm trouble.
"And who might you be sweet pea" the guy said to me pointing all his attention in my direction. Mostly everyone gasped at his words to me as his face turned into pure confusion. I take 3 glides up to him and he stands um towering over me. " your gonna wish you didn' call me tha' "
I threatened . "Or what" he pushed , that's it I thought . I brung my fist back and punched him square in the face . He falls back passing out " weak " I said ,my southern accent was stronger then Daryl and Merle's course I took after my dad, .
I heard the all to familiar police siren outside, oh great.
I make my face look even more intimidating by snapping my head in each direction glaring at everyone as I ask
" who tha' heck called tha' police !?" I boomed at everyone.
They all look horrified as some start shaking , Merle has a amused look on his face as he smirks. I glance at him and his smirk drops seeing my face that scares him half to death.
I see a hand reach out as somebody steps forward "me" the voice says confidently . I speed walk up to him " u gonn' wish you didn' do tha boy " I threatened right as the door opened I grabbed Merle by the arm and ran out the back door.

I look round the corner of the pub to see if anybody was outside , when I notice it's clear I push Merle to his truck .
He stumbles and that's when I realize he's drink so I pull him back by his arm and call Darryl to come get his truck .
Beep beep beep bee-
"What ?" Darryl sounds annoyed and im not on the best times right now so I snap back at him "watch you' mouth and come down to the pub to get merles truck and hurry to the police aren't gonna take there time in that bar!"
I hung up the phone and wait for Daryl to turn up.
About 5 minutes later I see Daryl come u the road just as the doors open and the police go to step out I pushed merles into the backseat of his truck as Daryl runs and goes into the drivers seat and they zoom off. The cops catch sight of my just as I start up my bike . I see them chase me down the road as i race down it zooming past merles truck .
I was really annoyed at merles so I stick my middle finger up at merles through the window and then zoom up to our home.
My grin drops as I notice dads truck in the front drive , I notice how late at night it is and get off my motorcycle and walk up to the door.
I walk in silently and see dad asleep on the sofa , I sneak upstairs to my bedroom and change into a comfy tank top with shorts and climb into bed going into a dreamless sleep.

<hey guys! Hope u liked the first chapter x word count : 732
Comment if you wanna be in my story >

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