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<what ruby is wearing x enjoy >

Ruby's pov next day:
I woke up to the sun beaming through the window and down in my eyes . I groaned quite loudly as I realize its 6 in the morning . I swung my legs over the bed and got changed into a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans . I put on my signature jacket and boots and leave my hair out and wavy .
I jog down the stairs and grab the keys to my motorbike to go for a ride. I step out of the door to see Daryl and merles trucks gone along with Merle's motorcycle . I though nothing of it and jumped onto my bike and pulled out of the drive. I look around confused as I see nobody outside , I go faster down the road as my hair blows out of my face . I don't see the point of helmets and can't be bothered to get one .but I start to worry as I see a guy on the ground with blood on his stomach. I slam down on the brakes and go flying over the handle bars my black gloves on my hands graze along the ground as I try to stop myself but fail and crash in my back. I get winded for a moment and feel warm liquid run down my eyebrows "wow tha' hur' " I groaned . I sat up suddenly remembering the guy on the floor and go to inspect it. I flinch as it moves its hand but keep my normal blank face on and walk away and hop onto my bike . I need to get a new helmet i think shaking my head. Next stop the bike shop . I think and zoom down to the shops when I get there I park the motorbike and walk into the deserted shop. "Hello?" I called but when I get no answer I shrug and walk over to the helmets . After a while I find a black helmet and grab some spray paint and a wing shaped filter type thingy then take them and go home. When I pull up in the drive i realize Daryl and merles still gone , I jog lover to the garage and place the helmet onto the table and placed the wing shaped filter thingy and placed it on the back of the helmet . I took out the white spray-paint and painted in mine and Daryl signature wing on to it. I inspect my finished peace and take a cloth and wipe my hands .

I walk into the living room and turn on the t.v I flick through to channel 5 news and watch the t.v.
Take all the essential thing and flee to Atlanta safe house . If you come across any dead-ones please aim for the head i repeat aim for the head this is not a drill not a drill.
And the message repeats again .
I turn the telly off and walk up to the window . As I suspected I saw the same man I saw on the road taking a lump out of somebody's neck I back away from the window and run up to my room. I pack some clothes and rush down to my dads stash of military guns I take two duffell bags and take all the guns bombs and ammo in the room until their is nothing left except knifes . I take a holster and strap it round my waist I put a knife and gun in the holster then put a couple knifes in my backpack . I take another holster and strap it over my thigh putting a pistol inside . I realize that my gloves are ripped from my fall so I replace them and put a couple more in my bag .I take all my bags and run up to my room.

I go to my closet and swing my crossbow round my back and put my dagger in my boot . I run to the garage but take my dads blue truck and put my motorcycle in the back . I climb into the drivers seat and but all the bags in the passenger seat along with my helmet.

When the garage doors open and I see what the world has become I slam down on the pedal and head off for Atlanta hopefully that's were Daryl and merles went.

<hope u like my second chapter this is my first boom so let me know if you like it or not XX >

Disoriented - Dixon sister Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora