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Ruby POV

I ride down the roads after passing many walkers as I like to call them. I come up to a sign that says I'm coming into Atlanta just as a bomb goes off in the hillsides. I realize it as my destination . Atlanta . Great . I think sarcastic . I turn around and find a house which I drive into the drive way.
might as well stay here for a day or too.
I think . I get out my crossbow and sneak up to the house , the door is opened slightly as if somebody left in a hurry . I walk inside slowly and keep my guard up for a walker .
When I check the whole house for walkers I make sure that all the windows are guarded with bed sheets and quilts .
When that's finished I go to the kitchen to look for some food . After looking everywhere I find nothing and look out the window my eyes land in some trees forest . I get my crossbow and go out the front door to hunt .
My hunting trips usually would be a week long but I'm planning this one to be a couple days . I've been out in the forest for a day now and I slept in a tree high away from walkers. So far I've found about a dozen squrrel and 9 rabbits . Right now I'm on a bucks trail though and I think I'm getting closer to it . As I round across the corner I see the beautiful beast and pull back a arrow and let it saw through the air with a swoosh and land in between its eyes killing it instantly. A cheer inside my head and drag the animal by its antlers all the way back to the house I've been staying at . I stop dead in my tracks when I see a shadow of several people in the windows luckily I was smart to leave everything in my truck and drag the animal into the back of the truck and put the squrrel and rabbit next to me . I drive up the road and see a hill just outside of Atlanta.

<its a little bit further into the story now >

I see a r.v with a old man on it with binoculars when he gets sight of me I see him say something to some other people who come rushing over . I look in the mirror to see myself before parking and taking out the keys . As soon as I do I slowly step out of the car making sure that everyone sees my jacket and the tattoo on my neck . I walk all the way up to a man that looks like the leader and stop watching everyone staring at me . I smirk and pull a intimidating face as I say . " wha' ya lookin a' !!" I growl which surprises most people . " r-ruby" I hear my name being called " RUBY!!"

<hope you liked this chapter guys I'm sorry I left u on a cliffhanger I just had to sorry > word count : 510

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