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Jamie's P.O.V

When me and Gabbie came out of the bright pink nail shop which smelt like paint,I admired my Pikachu design on my nails.Gabbie grabbed my arm and pulled me outside to the hot weather.I don't think it will be cold anytime soon.

Gabbie got something at of her dark blue pocket."Jamie Mae I...."I gave her the death glare before she could even finish my last name and she just laughed."Okay well because I am going back to Pennsylvania on your birthday I'm giving you your present now."I smiled while nodding my head.

"Yeah yeah,carry on."I might sound like a selfish person but for her birthday last year I got her these brown boots what where about fifty then concert tickets to twenty one pilots,but I would still buy her anything though.

She pulled out a little brown envelope and handed it to me.As I slid my nail underneath it her smile grew bigger.I pulled out the card.As I opened the card nothing fell out but as I say 'open the card first then the presents' as I turned to the front I looked at the picture;

As I opened the card nothing fell out but as I say 'open the card first then the presents' as I turned to the front I looked at the picture;

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I laughed at it then opened it up again and read the message which what was in blue ink.

To My main bitch.My side hoe.My boo.My lesbian buddy.My BEST FRIEND!

Happy birthday bitch,have a good day.
So I'm letting you open this before your birthday because I will be away.Im very sorry I can't be with you I'll miss you a lot.So where do I begin? We have known each other for about three years now and we met when you turned 15! You are now turning 17 (old) and I'm so proud of the young lady you have become.I've seen you fail and grow.Well look up bitch to see your present lol.


As I looked up to her I saw her holding two little white tickets.I went up to her to read them,they said 'meet and greet to Panic! At The Disco' I jumped at her and hugged her body really tight then kissed her tanned face leaving pink stain marks."Thank you,thank you and thank you."I screamed while crying my eyes out.As I got off her she pouted."What's wrong?"I asked confused.

"You really think that's all I got you?"I nodded my head slowly while she pulled out a small book shape thing from her dirty cream bag.

"Oh my god."I breathed out heavily."What book is it?"You see I love books.Actually love is an understatement.Back home in Australia I have a walk in book room instead of a walk in closet.

"It's not a book."I looked at her even more confused then she handed the black thing to me with a white gab in the upper centre of it.On the white block thingy it said "things I wanted to say but never did"

On the white block thingy it said "things I wanted to say but never did"

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I brushed my thumb on it then looked up to Gabbie."Why do I have this?"I questioned.

"Well it apparently helps depression or anxiety."She replied back with a blank expression.

"I don't need this."I said calmly trying to hand it back to her.

"Please."I shook my head and looked at her dead in the eye."Look you have depression and anxiety,huh."I nodded my head."Give this a try.If it doesn't work throw it away.Burn it,I don't give a shit but please try."I gave in and nodded my head while shoving it in my bag.


I looked at the brown haired girl in front of me she rolled her eyes while I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.As I was about to answer it she whispered something."Don't answer it."I laughed and shook my head.

'Hey Troye,why did you phone?'

'Hey can you come to the hotel like right now?'

'You don't even say sorry to me first.'

'What did I do?'

"Fucking hell Troye!'

'This is why I don't let you hang round with Gabbie.'

'Urghhh look I'll be home in ten or fifteen okay?'

'Love you.'

'Love you to babes.'

As I hanged up Gabbie just looked at the ground."What!"I yelled she just looked at me stunned then looked down and coughed.

"Why do you let him do this."She replied quietly.I just gave her a dirty look then walked off out of the shopping centre."Where are you going?"She shouted while grabbing onto my arm.

I pushed her off me."Home.I'm going to get a bus because my fucking best friend and boyfriend hate each other and I can't deal with you complaining about him on the way home."She chuckled then walked off probably to her car.As I went to the bus station I got out my phone and texted my friend Joe.

You see his name isn't really Joe.It won't make sense at all but we don't want to tell each other's name...this story is for another day so don't worry about it.


Sally👾🍱🍺:Heyyy bitch wuu2 😂🌸🙈

Seen at 14:59

Joe👾🍖🍺:It's 1 in the morning I'm trying to get to sleep 😫😡

Seen at 15:03

Sally👾🍱🍺:Sorry talk to me in the morning.

Seen at 15:03

Joe👾🍖🍺:What's wrong?

Seen at 15:05

Sally👾🍱🍺:I'm fine

Seen at 15:10

Joe👾🍖🍺:Firm in girl language that means depressed,I remember you telling me you have depression and anxiety.What happened?

Sally👾🍱🍺:Nothing I'm cool 😎

Joe👾🍖🍺:Tell me now.

Sally👾🍱🍺:Arguments everywhere 😫

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked up to see an old man with sliver hair and a walking stick."Excuse me young lady but the bus is ready to take you."I stood up and gave him a hug.

"Thank you so so so much."He laughed as I hoped on the bus which what was heading to the hotel.

I didn't really like this chapter but the next one will be very interesting 😉😉


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