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Jamie's P.O.V

I woke up with someone breathing against my cold neck."Babe get up.Were going to London today."Troye mumbled while flicking my blonde hair out of my face."I'm going to drag you out then."He barked while unwrapping my from the blanket.

I felt him pick up my fat heavy body and carrying me to the dark front room and laying me down on the leather sofa."It's so cold."I babbled while huddling my body into a pea shape.

"Get dressed then."He snapped.With that I got clothes thrown at me then I heard his footsteps slowly going away from me.

I took off the big grey top (Troye's top) and threw it to the brown wooden floor."And you're naked."I little scream said."I'll go in the bathroom then."I nodded my head to what Tyler said then shoved my white push up bra on so it looks like I actually have boobs then I grabbed my black panties and shoved them on then threw on the black and white striped long sleeve top as well as the black leather skirt (and black tights) which was currently at the end of the coffee table.

"When do we have to leave?"I yelled with my croaky voice.I looked around the hotel room to see it's all nice and tidy.

"Like ummm in twenty so hurry up Jamie-Mae."I laughed at Tyler using my full name then I sat down on the sofa and pulled my black knee high furry boots on.

"Do I have time to do my make up?"I asked while throwing my hair into a messy bun and walking into the bathroom grabbing the spare light blue toothbrush (my one is in my bag) and applying the minty blue toothpaste on it.

"Nope."Tyler replied on his phone once again playing a game.

"Urghh."I moaned while finishing up with everything.As I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my green vest top coat and shoved it on my ugly body.I grabbed my suitcase then skipped into the small hallway.I saw the two boys waiting for me.

"Do you have a book for the the plane is something?"I nodded at Troye's question while pulling out the book what my twin brother got me for my birthday."Good good."He clapped.

"Do you two have everything you brought in America because when we leave London you two are going straight back to Australia.Okay?"We both smiled like good children.Troye opened the white metal door of the hotel room and walked out of it.

"I'll miss you."I screamed at the little room which kept me company for the last two weeks.

"Okay,I'm going to vlog.Is it okay if I get you two in it?"Tyler pointed out.

"Yeah sure."Troye grumbled."What time is it Jamie?"I looked down to my gold watch what my other brother (Jason) got me for my birthday.

"It is currently 4:23 and I'm way fucking tired."I moaned while dragging my feet and suitcase on the blue carpet.

"Come here babe."I smirked then dropped my suitcase on the ground while jumping on Troye."See this is much better."I giggled while Troye was just hugging my big waist.

"Hello ya'll so today me Troye and Jamie,if you don't know her she is Troye's girlfriend but anyway we are meant to be at the airport like in thirty minutes but Jamie needed a cuddle break and now look at them

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"Hello ya'll so today me Troye and Jamie,if you don't know her she is Troye's girlfriend but anyway we are meant to be at the airport like in thirty minutes but Jamie needed a cuddle break and now look at them."I shook my head while my eyes got slightly more heavy."I think she's going to sleep actually."Tyler snorted.

"She hasn't had her tea! She always has tea before she goes to sleep."Troye exclaimed.


I felt someone shaking me and saying my name over and over again."Hello?"I grunted.As I opened my eyes I saw Tyler and Troye laugh."What!"I growled.

"We're on the plane now,just letting you know Jamie."Tyler responded swooshing his hair out of his face.

"Okay,I'm going to read my book."They both nodded there heads as I unzipped my handbag.When I opened the book I saw the pages where all cut and it spelled out sister."Fuck."I gushed.

"What was that?"Troye confirmed.

"Nothing,nothing don't worry."He nodded his head then turned around to talk to Tyler again.

I logged onto my twitter quickly then tapped a short sentence then tagged my brother into it.

@JamieMae;I was really looking forward to read the nice book my brother got me on the plane but the pages where all cut up and spelled sister out.Should I be upset? 😂 @JamesNicholas

Should I be upset? 😂 @JamesNicholas

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It had loads of retweets and likes.Most of the comments were like;

'OMG! Sibling goals'

'Are you coming back to Aussie?'

'You're fat.'

I didn't really care about the haters like why diss someone if they're telling the truth.I pulled out the diary what Gabbie got me for my birthday.I miss Gabbie.We will probably talk tomorrow,are arguments never end up bad.

I decided I should right in it.So I got a black pen out and started to scribble on the paper.

Dear Diary,
Hey,I never had one of these before.I mean I've had a song book but not a diary where I write down my emotions if you know what I mean.So the last week has been okay I guess,it's going to be my first birthday without any of my family,I'm a bit said about that.Before I left to go America me and my twin (James) had a massive argument about Troye and Gabbie.He hates both of them and I don't know why.Like he should get out of my life it's not his.It ended up that he broke my ukulele and I stormed out the house and nearly brought some fags (He got me a new ukulele for my birthday) but I remembered I was pregnant.About that I'm really scared of what my mother and father will say.Like they believe sex after marriage,me and Troye had sex when I was thirteen! And now I'm a sixteen year old pregnant girl.You probably think oh she's a Christian so God has her sorted out,but nope I use to smoke and drink 24/7 without my mother and father knowing of course cause duhh I want to live.Talking about mother she said to me yesterday that I have put some meet on my bones,I don't want to get fat from this baby.

Well bye then? See you tomorrow?

I closed the black secret holder and placed it back in my purse and closed my eyes.All I could think about that he forgot it was are four year anniversary.

I really likes this chapter x


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