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Jamie's P.O.V

As I stood on the wooden chair with cuts bleeding out of my disgusting fat arms and legs, with my blue suicide note stuck to my fat stomach I looked out of the window to the beautiful night Sky. How precious it was, more precious when I'm up there in heaven with Grandmother as well as Grandpapa. The Sky was dark blue but with a hint of purple and it was a full moon, as my mother always says 'the wear wolfs are out today Jamie-Mae' Tears were trickling down my wet chubby cheeks then as I began to walk forward I heard a big gasp then my mothers face with makeup all smudged. She was wearing a knee high black pencil skirt with a white/pinkish button up top and a black blazer. Her long beautiful ginger hair up in a straight high pony. "Jamie-Mae, noooo."

As my blue eyes where opening I saw Troyes looking nervous over me. "Jamie baby are you alright?" Troye woke me up looking worried. "Did you have that nightmare again?" I nodded my head he pulled me into a big hug and rubbed my back. I cried into him like there was no tomorrow.

"Everyone hates me Troye, you're going to leave me soon I know it." I looked at him in the eye as I spoke the words I always wanted to say.

"I will never leave you Jamie." I can't believe he lied straight to my face. But what a about what I heard was a prank or maybe a cover up even. "Happy birthday baby. Do you want to go back to sleep or upstairs? It's ten." I smiled and got out of the warm bed. As I looked in the mirror I saw I was wearing a big white jumper which said 'American Horror Story' The effect was blood dripping off it if you know what I mean. Then I had some Adidas tracks on.

"Can I have a shower first?" He nodded his small cute head then kissed my nose as he left the massive bedroom. How did I become so lucky? As I was walking down the tiny hall looking for the bathroom someone knocked me off my feet.

"Sorry... happy birthday Jamie." A cheerful person said, as I looked up I saw the one and only Marcus Butler. He helped me up off the floor and smiled. "Whatcha looking for love?"

"The bathroom please." I replied smiling at the blonde boy.

"Next to mine and Nim's bedroom Jam." I gave him a quick hug then went into the blue bathroom.


As I entered mine and Troye's room again I opened my white shiny wardrobe then searched for a cute outfit as it was my birthday today. I saw a black leather jacket with a grey top and my favourite pair of ripped skinny jeans. Once I put my outfit on I sat down on the floor and began to do my makeup. After I sorted my self out I done my hair half up half down but with a bun (don't know how you explain it) I went upstairs

 After I sorted my self out I done my hair half up half down but with a bun (don't know how you explain it) I went upstairs

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"Happy birthday Jamie, I made you some toast with butter your favourite

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"Happy birthday Jamie, I made you some toast with butter your favourite." Caspar chirped while wearing pizza pyjama bottoms and no top. Like DAMM I knew you liked pizza but like how much was it? £50? Really? Leave me alone, I talk to myself but don't lie I know you do as well.

"Thanks Casp." I took the white plate and sat in the same position I was normally in last night.

"You look hot, oh wait it's you." I looked up from my breakfast and saw the one and only Jack Maynard.

"Appreciate that mate." I tried to make a joke cause you know it's my birthday and I don't want to be in a bad mood.

"When was I ever your mate?" He gave me a dirty look then all of a sudden Joseph came over and ohhhh Jack shat his pants.

"And when do you have the privilege to talk to people in MY house Jack? Stop being a rude prick she's hot but you're just to scared to say it. Jamie you look beautiful." I smiled at Joe's comment then went back to eating my toast.

"Jamie baby." I looked up to see Troyes smiling and then all the youtubers blogging or whatever you call it. "Don't freak out but everyone here pitched in so we can get you 1D tickets."

I know this is shit but I'm really ill and busy at the the moment sorry 😐


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