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Jamie's P.O.V

As I was on my cold phone reading some intense Harry styles fanfiction (it was smut) the white leather couch dipped down and I felt someone breathing against my
long tanned neck.I quickly turned my phone off and smacked it against my flat chest."It's only me baby."Troye whispered in my small ear which had three piercings in.He hugging me.I hugged him back and smiled."Why are you so happy?"He laughed.

"Because I've been going out with my best friend for four years today! I got you a little present,sorry it's not a lot."I frowned while grabbing the small silky white box which was in my pocket and the little light brown envelope."Happy four year anniversary babe."As I gave him the box and card he put the box on his lap and opened the envelope.

"To my world 💕,
Happy anniversary Troye for four years of sticking with me! I know I'm extremely annoying sometimes (most times) but thank you for being by my side when I wasn't myself or a bit crazy.I love you,too the moon and back .Hahahah you thought I was just writing this? We have known each other since year 3 and have been best friends ever since.When we were 13 you asked me out and I happily said yes,that's all but remember I will always love you xxx

Love Jammy💘"

He blushed at the boring card and smiled at me showing his dimples off."That's so frigging cute."I laughed then motioned my hands to the small square box."Ohh yeah."As he opened the box Marcus and Naomi sat down on the other sofa opposite us.

"I want to see what Jamie got Troye."Naomi smirked while wrapping her skinny arm's around Marcus's big strong ones.I wish I was skinny like Naomi.

"Me too Nim."Troye shirked while I tried not to laugh but failed.Once he opened it (finally) he just grinned and stared at it.

"Do you like it?"I whispered while putting my hand on his leg.

"Do I like it? I love it,this looks so expensive!"He screamed while kissing my burning face.

"Do I like it? I love it,this looks so expensive!"He screamed while kissing my burning face

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"This is soooooo cuteeeee Marcus."I laughed once again while trying to get the heat away from me."Roll up you sleeves if your hot or get changed into a tank top."I shook my head."If you didn't pack a tank top I can lend you one."She replied smiling,she's so polite.

"No it's okay but thank you Naomi."She giggled then grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs to 'my bedroom'.

"So is it okay if I look threw your suitcase?"I nodded my head and sat on the silky bed."All your tops are long sleeved."She mumbled but still looking happy.

"Sorry."I murmured into my hands embarrassed.

"No silly,don't be sorry I have some tops in my suitcase."Naomi showed me to her and Marcus's room which had dark blue walls and a badge fluffy carpet.

"How many rooms are there in this house?"I asked nicely.

"This is actually a basement Joe and Caspar decorated it to make it in to a room as normally everyone stays round."She huffed while throwing tops out of her pink suitcase."To answer your question there is five bedrooms in this small apartment."I smiled and nodded my head."Here!"She screams as she pulls a black top out of her suitcase."It might be a bit big but it doesn't matter."She chirped while thrive the top.

"I don't think it's a good idea to wear it."I croaked.

"Why let me roll your sleev-Jamie yo-your arms?"Naomi stuttered while looking at my scared arms.I pulled my arm back and hugged it."Why?"She asked while on the verge of tears.

"Because have you seen me? I'm ugly,fat,useless,boring,depressed.I have two friends in Australia which is Troye and Kayla.My own family hates me!"I cried out.I can't believe I'm saying this to a stranger.

"Yes.Yes I have seen you and you're beautiful not all them other fake lies you just said to me! You may not have many friends in Australia but would you rather have a bunch of fake friends then two real ones? And your family doesn't hate you,you might get into little fights here and there but that's normal Jamie."Naomi pulled me into a big hug and rubbed my back."Let's find something to wear."I gave a confused expression and she laughed."That's why we came down here for anyway."I giggled and nodded my head.

As we were looking down Naomi's wardrobe I saw these beautiful pair of blue shorts which had a Aztec pattern on the pockets."If you like them you're more then welcome to wear the."She assured.

"Yeah,ummm I really can't."I apologised.

"You can wear tights with them if you want?"I nodded my head and smiled while Naomi carefully grabbed the shorts and some tights."A black tank top and a oversized brown cardy (cardigan)"I gave her the thumbs up and she just threw the clothes at me.

As I walked back into the room with the amazingly comfortable clothing on I gave Naomi a little spin around and she laughed then all of a sudden stopped."Is that a tattoo Jamie."She said in a posh voice."Nonono I won't let that be."I snorted of laughter and so did she."Can I see it?"

"Yeah sure."I replied while removing my arm from one of the sides of the sleeves."If you can't read it,the written is 'I'm alright;' you won't get it but it means a lot to me."I croaked while putting my arm back in it's warm place.

"Yes and the handwriting is beautiful,did your mother write it down and copied it on a pice if paper? Wait you're seventeen and the legal age to get a tattoo is 18."I nodded my head slowly.

"I wrote I'm alright on my a pice of paper and the woman like yeah put it in me and 18 is the legal age to get it.I got it when I just got out of this hospital where crazy people go."I tried to laugh off the last bit but all the memories came back.Delilah,go away memories you're not wanted.

"I'm sorry Jamie don't cry."Naomi wiped off my tears with her thumb then I heard some shouting.

"Joesph shut the fuck up you twat."A girl screamed.

"You shut up Samantha you little cu..."

"That's Joe's and Zoe's cousin Samantha but call her Sam to be on her good side."Naomi insured while holding my hand and leading me upstairs.

"How old is she?"I exhorted.

"Sam is 14 the oldest in her year,she's born on September the 1st."I bit the side of my mouth and nodded my head.

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