Twenty Four

17 3 0

Alright so the chapter I just posted was shit. I haven't posted because family stuff and Wattpad broke for me just fixed it though :-)

Jamie's P.O.V

As we were all walking back to the tour bus the boys explained to me what happened and why was I in hospital. I apparently fell over and fucked up my phone completely, on the bright side I have a Harry Potter scar on my head where I fell.... I hate Harry Potter. "I'm sorry." I mumbled under my cold breath with my hands in these pockets. Oh yeah because I destroyed my clothes by falling over (I don't know how that works either) they brought me new clothes. It's a large blood red jumper which says 'overdressed' and some ripped boyfriend jeans with some red adidas trainers. I did offer to give them the money when I'm back in Aussie but they refused. I'm just thankful somehow my glasses aren't broken.

"For what? It wasn't your fault that you... that you fell." Zayn hooted. He side smiled at me with an apologetic look. I was walking next to Liam and the road then dun dun dun paparazzi came, like I can't complain these are pretty famous lads who are touring across the world. Liam pushed me behind him then Louis grabbed my hand and then we proceed to run. I don't know about you but I have bad asthma mate.

I stopped to breath for a bit but then the friggen paparazzi crowed me and bombed me with questions. "So Jamie are you gay?" "Are you cheating on Troye?" "Have you had sexual contact with one of the boys?" "You and Micheal?" I just froze like what do I do. My legs aren't working. "Guys leave Jamie alone. What has the poor girl done?" Niall walked up next to me pulled my arm then we started to run again.

As we all saw the bus we slowed down to catch our breath again and we all smiled. "I can get a ticket to go home you know?" They all shook their head while they jumped on the massive bus. As soon as I jumped on it I saw flippen Ashton. "What the hell? Why are you here?" I questioned. He turned around to look at me like what the fuck.

"What the fuck? I'm doing the world tour with them Jai, why are you here?" Ashton walked closer to me then talked again. "The reason we wasn't there when you went was because Calum is ill. He's sleeping at the moment. So answer my question please." I rolled my eyes at him then he sat down on he black leather sofa.

I breathed in the talked. "Well I fell over then the bo....

"Is that a scar on your forehead. What's that! Who do I need to fucking kill." Ashton jumped out of his seat and got his hands out. All the one direction boys where just looking at us.

"If you don't interrupt me Ash then you'll find out why. So I fell over bashed my head on the floor or wall I don't know then my phone fell on the floor smashed so I have no phone. Then apparently I got amnesia woke up in hospital with these five lads who helped me out and they brought me here as I have no where else to go." He gave a confused look and titled his head to the side.

"What about Troye? You're meant to be with him, aren't you?" He raised his voice a tiny bit. "Me you outside. Thank you guys for looking after her."

"Me and Troye broke... up." I burst out in tears at this point where my hands were over my eyes. Ashton sort of freaked out and just hugged me while he got very and I mean very angry.

"Why did he break up with you? Because you love him so you didn't break up with him, obviously Jamie." Ash was clicking his knuckles while he was turning red.

"He..he cheated on me with Rob. Do..don't hurt him Ash. Please." I was full on sobbing my little broken heart out at this point.

"How am I not meant to kill him when he ch.. his bi?" Ash questioned, I shook my head while wiping my tears away. "Gay?" I shook my head. "I'm still going to fuck him up. Even if I don't your mum will. Jason just think about James." Ashton started running.

"There's more Ash..." He walked backwards then looked at me. "He..he said I should get an abortion." Ashton look stunned like he just saw the real life devil or my face turned to Luke's face. He hugged me really tight and rubbed my back. "H...he..he also said that he doesn't want to see it because of his career and fucking relationship."

"Breath Jamie, breath." Alright my makeup is definitely ruined now. "Let's go inside before I fucking go mental and find out where he is." I nodded my head as we went back into the tour bus. As we went in Calum was on the sofa with a grey fluffy blanket wrapped around him while eating mint ice cream. He was taking to Liam about boobs, no joke. Calum looked at me and gave me a smile then he saw my face which is probably covered in mascara. He held my hand sat me down and placed the blanket on me and gave me the bowl of ice cream.

"Thank you Cal." I looked at the spoon and lifted it up and started to eat the ice cream, mmmm mint my favourite. Like seriously if you don't like mint get a life! As I turned around I saw Micheal! I put the empty bowl on the wooden table and ran over to mikey and cried on his shoulder as he hugged me.

"What happened Jai? Who the fuck do I need to beat up?" I didn't answer I was to busy crying on his shirt.

"Troye." Ashton muttered under his breath. "He cheated on Jamie with Rob. Rob, Rob the bully one the BOY one. And no his not bi his gay. Also he told Jamie to get an abortion." I gave Ashton the death glare while Micheal just looked at me then my stomach now everyone was in the room even Luke. "He doesn't want to see the baby as he might loose his career and relationship." Ash said bluntly.

"You're pregnant?" I nodded my head slowly. "Why the fuck didn't you use condoms!" Micheal yelled at me.

"Don't you think I did?" I cried. "I was on the pill and he was wearing a fucking condom. Want to know more? I even took the morning after pill for God sake." He took a step back and sat down.

"I'm going to kick his fucking arse when I see him." I pleaded don't so many times. "Isn't your other bits and bobs there? Like they should be." I nodded my head.

"I'll take Jamie to get her stuff as you two are probably going to kill Troye and Cal is ill." I hugged Luke he smiled while he hugged me back. "Are you okay to go now Jamie?" I nodded my head.

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