Part 4

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As he raced towards King Andy's castle, he spied a hobbling, old woman. Being a nice guy, despite his urgency, he stopped to make sure she was alright. She was clothed in rags, had a terribly unattractive hairdo, and had a cranky manner.

"Where are you headed, ma'am? Have you lost a child or something?" He smiled a really very friendly smile and stroked his chin, suddenly inexplicably uncomfortable around the very grumpy woman.

Pear scowled up at Yanni, not believing that he was really such a nice guy after all she'd heard about his fangirl-killing. Fangirls really were sometimes harmless, after all. After all, she was totally innocuous, well, more or less, and she was the oldest fangirl ever known. Things had been different in her time-

"Well? You need a ride somewhere?" Yanni secretly hoped the bitchy woman didn't say yes, as he really was in quite a hurry, and she was also so damned fat, he was worried about his horse's back.

Pear grumbled. "I'm heading to King Andy's palace, but I'll be fine, thanks."

And yet, being a gallant, chivalrous man, Yanni insisted that the old woman accompany him back to the palace. Thus, they continued on their way, together, at a slower pace.

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