Meeting Peridot

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First chapter for me the pressure is on... 3.2..1... Let's start already.

I feel like the chapter is bad guys give me your honest opinion

Peridot's POV

Hi everyone my name is Peridot and I am from a place called Gemville.  Right now I am with my mother and brother in the car and we are moving. My mom told me our new home is in Empire city, but my mom has been known to confuse names before. Let me tell you some facts about me; I'm 16, I'm an honors and AP student, The only thing I am afraid of is my mother, I am a perfectionist and so I do everything perfectly, and in case you could not tell I am a nerd. Oh I almost forgot I also have no trust for females... let's just say my last and only relationship ended with my ex dating my twin brother Emerald, but the drama does not end there, my brother ended up attacking me one day and his reason for his actions were "your ex told me to". I can't believe he would betray his own family for a lousy girl. Now don't get it wrong, I am not gay, I am a straight boy, a straight boy who has no trust for girls which is normal since you can not trust them. The car passes a sign that said " welcome to Beach City".

"Hey mom are we at the right place" I ask
"Yes Peridot, this is were my navigation taking us."  My mom replied emotionless.
I was silent after that because, I have learned to not argue with my mom or else I would get beat again. "I have never heard of beach city I wonder what it is like here" Peridot thought to himself.

La Time Skip...

We finally arrive at our new house and looking at it I knew my mom had spent a lot of money in order to buy the house. It was a two storey house, with the outside painted white, and a lot of fancy windows that look to be expensive.  My mom is sorta rich I guess because, she is the owner of a world famous company called Diamond corporation, the company is known around the world for its selling of gems, I am guessing that is why my name is Peridot and my brother's name is Emerald. As I am pulling my stuff out of the car I see a girl walk over to me.
"Hi I am Lapis.. Lapis Lazuli" she said with a smile on her face that could light up an entire room.
"I'm peridot" my response was just like my mom's, emotionless.
"So you are my new neighbor I guess?" She asked curiously.
"Of course I am Lazuli why else would I be moving my stuff into an empty house." this time my emotions showed, but it was not one of happiness but of anger
"Why is this girl even here" I thought to myself.
"I'll see you at school I guess" her response was different almost sad.
"Hopefully I will see you again" I try and sound happy even though in my mind I am screaming "just go away already". Lapis ended up leaving right after, because her family had prepared dinner and eventually I got all my stuff in and was able to lay down on my bed. I fell asleep soon after, but the weird thing is that I dreamed of that girl.

Alright guys hope you liked it I'm going to cry in a corner now. Exactly 600 words BTW.

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