Time to Fight

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2 or 3 chapters left. Hope you guys enjoy

Peridot was in the car with Ben and Ruby. Peridot was giving Ruby Directions to the address and Ben was working on some homework he still had to do. Peridot looked at Ben "After we get Lapis back I think I should go back with you". Ben nodded knowing Peridot's reason "Have you told Lapis?" Peridot just shook his head and continued to give Ruby directions. They arrive soon and Peridot looked out the window to see a old abandoned gym. Peridot told the others to stay behind for 5 minutes and then he went in. He heard crying and Jasper;s voice "I know you like it when I kiss you." A slap could be heard followed by a "Fu<k you" From Lapis. Peridot rounded the corner and saw Jasper lift Lapis only to throw here to the ground and kick her repeatedly. Peridot charged Jasper and knocked him over. Jasper looked up and smiled "I didn't think you'd come, but whatever." Topaz surprised Peridot and hit him in the back of the head knocking him out "Peri!" Lapis called in fear. Jasper laughed and told Topaz to take Peridot to the ring. Peridot was dragged to the ring with no care. Ben and Ruby looked at the time, 5 minutes were up and they rushed in to see Peridot unconscious in the ring Peridot!" "Ben yelled. Lapis was also knocked out on the ground from when Jasper hit her on the head. Ben locked eyes with Jasper who smirked "2 on 3 is never fair." Ruby was suddenly ambushed by Amber and the two started to fight. Ben quickly ran to Jasper but was stopped by Topaz "nope" he said and the two began throwing punches at each other. Ben got the advantage and began hitting Topaz multiple times before Jasper got involved and punch him from behind. Ben was Pinned down as and forced to watch as Jasper beat Peridot who had already regained consciousness. Thoughts swarmed Peridot's head.

"why can't I fight back"

"Why can I defend myself."

"why can't I protect Lapis"

"I'm not good enough"

Lapis eyes soon fluttered open and saw what was happening to Peridot . She felt a tear slide down her face, she started to cry. Peridot had gotten up and tried to fight back, Peridot got a few punches in but overall Jasper was still winning. Jasper took a break from hitting Peridot and went to the corner to yell at Ben. Peridot struggled to get up until he heard Lapis call his name "Peridot!" Peridot made eye contact with Lapis who was now crying.

Lapis- "You don't have to win, You don't have to keep trying, Just don't get hurt anymore. Please!"

Jasper yelled Peridot's named sent a punch to him but Peridot caught his wrist and looked at him. "Sorry Jasper, but I cant afford to die" Peridot quickly punched Jasper in the chest and then sweeped his leg. Jasper fell to the ground and screamed in pain as his arm was being twisted. A snapping sound could be heard as Jasper's bone popped out of his arm. Peridot smiled and whispered "revenge". Peridot stomped on Jasper's face causing his nose to break. blood flowed out of Jasper from his arm and his nose. Peridot looked at Lapis and smiled "I did it". Jasper started to get up "Shut up. I'm still fighting". Jasper tried to punch Peridot, but he sidestepped the punch sending Jasper to the ground and Peridot slammed his foot against Jasper's spine. He looked up " I'm sorry Lapis" and quickly stepped down again, breaking Jasper's spine. Jasper laid there in pain , Topaz and Amber were shocked at what happened. Ben took his opportunity and flipped Topaz over and Delivered a hard punch to knock him out. Ruby also did the same to Amber. Peridot looked at Lapis who had fear in her eyes, he walked over and helped her up "Are you okay?". Lapis nodded and fainted into Peridot's arms. Peridot easily picked Lapis up and took her to the car. The three walked to the car and Peridot put Lapis in back with him. Ben turned around " I know this is a bad time, but since you have to leave I took care of those three inside. "

Peridot was confused until he smelt smoke and saw flames engulf the building "You Lit Them On FIRE!" Peridot screamed. Ben smirked "Of course. You know i'm a pyromaniac and we need to keep Lapis safe when you leave." Peridot frowned " I'm not leaving Lapis". Now Ben frowned and looked at Peridot "You know the deal your mom made you before she died. It would be better if you followed through with it and then went back to Lapis". Peridot looked away and whispered a fine. They arrive at Peridot's house soon and Ruby told them she had to go. Ruby and Sapphire both left leaving Ben and Peridot with an unconscious Lapis "I'll be waiting in Emerald's room" Ben said. Peridot sat with Lapis on the couch waiting for her to wake up, a tear slid down his face. He was doing this for Lapis he told himself.

Cliffhanger time. *bows* hope royalty has enjoyed another chapter

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