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Lapis and Peridot went to get ice cream at 31 Flavors. Peridot got mint chocolate chip and Lapis got rocky road ice cream. Lapis looked at Peridot's face, there was ice cream on it

Lapis- "Um Peri you have something on your face" She pointed to the side of her mouth.

Peridot- "where?" Peridot cleaned the wrong side on purpose

Lapis- "right here" Lapis reached over and started to wipe it off

Peridot moved his face and sucked on Lapis's fingers. Lapis blushed and quickly retracted her fingers as Peridot laughed loudly. Two girls walked up to the two.

Ruby- "Well, well if it isn't miss Lazuli and a nerd." Ruby Laughed

Sapphire punched Ruby lightly "Be nice or else."

Ruby- "What? I can't mess with my future sister in law?"

Sapphire- "No, not when she is clearly on a date. Can we join you two?"

Lapis- "Sure, I guess" Lapis blushed at Sapphire's comment

The four sat there eating ice cream and telling jokes, they were having a great time until Topaz and his girlfriend Amber walked up

Topaz- "look what I see amber. Miss popular and a stupid junior having a date with the stupid Lesbians."

Amber- "You know for a boy, he has three girls with him on a date. It's to bad two of them are infected with the gay disease"

Ruby was about to get up and defend her girlfriend when he was stopped. In a flash Peridot was on top of Topaz punching him as hard as he could.  Lapis quickly pulled him off and he shouted "I may be a Junior but I could still kick your a$$." Lapis was then tackled by Amber and she started slapping Lapis. Ruby pulled Amber off of Lapis and was about to punch her when Sapphire stopped her. "Not here" she said in a calm voice. Topaz had recovered and was staring at Peridot "You think you could kick my ass I'd like to see you try.". Sapphire had Ruby under control and now was trying to calm down Peridot. Eventually she succeeded and got them to leave. while leaving Peridot and Topaz kept staring at each other, both ready to make a move. Lapis hugged Peridot's arm "Calm down. For me." Peridot instantly relaxed and nodded an ok to Lapis.

La Time skip

Peridot arrived home with Lapis, he was still a little upset at what happened. Lapis could sense Peridot's anger.

Lapis- "Peri are you still mad."

Peridot- "A little. Who were those two"

Lapis-"friends of Jasper"

Peridot- "oh so in other words more people who want to kill me?"

Lapis was silent.

Peridot laughed "that should be fun."

Lapis- "Peridot is this a joke to you"

Peridot- "kinda, i'm not scared of Jasper"

Lapis- "Peridot he can kill you"

Peridot- "have some faith in me"

Lapis- "you are going against the strongest senior. faith be damned."

Peridot laid down "does your sister know you are staying here?"

Lapis- "yes I told her"

"Good" Peridot fell asleep on his couch and Lapis went and laid in his bed.

La time skip

The next morning Peridot left early for school he tried to find Jasper but neither Jasper or Topaz were their today which was strange. He got a bad feeling because Lapis didn't come to school either. School went by terribly slow and when it ended he rushed home to an empty house and a note saying

"Your precious Lapis had been taken come to this address if you want her back."

Random Address

Peridot knew it had to be Jasper and Topaz so he went and got ruby and sapphire. Ruby had planned to go with Peridot to get Lapis back and Told Sapphire to stay behind. Peridot Knew that this problem would end soon and he hoped it would be the last obstacle that would interfere with his and Lapis's relationship although he knew that there was one more thing that stood in the way. One more thing he had yet to tell Lapis. Ruby looked at Peridot "We need a plan and one more guy to get Lapis back."Ruby said. Peridot voice held anger "I have just the guy. I have a friend named Ben from my old town who could be here in a hour or so" Ruby nodded and took sapphire to Peridot's room. An hour later after Sapphire had fallen asleep he came back down and saw Ben. Ben was short like Peridot but muscular, he was the type to let his fist do the talking, and he would do anything for his friend Peridot. Peridot looked up "Lets get Lapis back."

So this book was always gonna be short and as a result it is coming to an end soon. but this book has made me better and now i'm way more confident in my writing. *Bows* I Hope royalty has enjoyed, this has been your knight Canon with another Chapter.

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