ONE - Best Friend?

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I'm at school in the gym annoyed as hell. Not because of my coaches, the hoes, or the niggas. Nope, not at all. It's my best friend, Roc that's about to make me continue my imaginary killing spree on his ass.

I met him when we were in kindergarten and he's been my best friend up until now, twelth grade.

"Why won't you just break up with that bitch?" I ask. I'm so sick of him complaining about his broad to me then wanting me to be a relationship therapist.

"Why you call her a bitch? And Dee, you got the best advice so wassup?" He asks.

"How am I gone give you advice on love when I ain't even with nobody my own self?" I ask

"You single cause you act like a nigga. Wear a fuckin dress sometimes." He says. I sit up.

I'm so sick of hearing him and everybody else talk about me being a tom boy. No, you ain't gone catch me in no gotdamn heels, skirt, or dresses. Maybe skinny jeans but that's far as I'm going. And no, I won't act all sidity like other girls. I just have a strong personality that people don't understand. Hell, they ain't got to.

"See, Chres that's your problem. You with that hoe because of what she wear. Then you wonder why she ain't real. I told you you supposed to look at what's inside." I say.

"And I told you I do like what's inside." He says

"Nigga whatever. That bitch is a bitch." I say. He glares at me.

"Why you got a big ass problem with my girl?" He asks. "She don't like me and I keep tellin yo ass, Bahja ain't doin shit but playing you with her big head ass." I say, rolling my eyes.

He stands.

"You be with the shit." He says

"How the hell am I with the shit?" I ask

"Because you find somethin wrong with every female I mess with." He says. "Because they don't want you for you." I raise my voice.

I hate how he just let these hoes pluck him with his duck ass. I'm getting sick of him putting Bahja butt headed ass before me too. Like, nigga I'm your day one. I'm the one who gone be riding til the end, not that bitch. So why he chooses to do me like that, I don't know and can't understand for the life of me.

"Mane, get you a nigga first then come to Me with that bullshit." He says. He walks off.

I shake my head. He changed... He really changed. The seventh period bell rings. I grab my binder and walk out of the gym.

I roll my eyes at what I see. Bahja ass hugged up with this nigga named Jason. I know his sister so I know those two fuckin around. But cool... Chres gone learn.

She smirks at me and walks over to my locker.

I turn around.

"What?" I ask. She smiles

"My baby told me you don't like me and I just wanted to see wassup." She says.

I chuckle. This shit pathetic. If I didn't have a C in English I need to bring up, I would've punched her ass in the mouth cause she think her ass cute.

"You at my locker because?" I ask

"Because, like I said... My baby is mad because my name stays in your mouth. If you got something you wanna say to or about me, you know where to find me. If not, shut up and mind your business." She says.

I nod my head. I ain't one to do no talkin. If we gone fight, just swing. Don't talk.

"Aight, cool. I got somethin to say. Stay the fuck out my damn face, bitch." I say.

"Bitch?" She says.

"That's what I fuckin said. I ain't with that shit!" I snap. I walk off with her talkin shit. Fuck that pink haired thot. What she gone do? Tell Chres? Pshh...


I don't see why Dee don't like Bahja. Bahja ain't did nothin to her. I was at Bahja's locker but she ain't ever come.  Fuck it tho.

I walk downstairs.

"Baby!" I hear her. I turn around and she's coming down the stairs. I hug her and kiss her.

"Wassup? Why you look mad?" I ask

"Let me straighten somethin up with you." She says.

"Aight, cool. What I do?" I ask

"I'm sick of that fucking dyke you hang with." She says

"What dyke?" I ask

"Here you go playing dumb. That DeErra girl, or whatever her fuckin name is. I'm sick of her." She says

"Mane, what Dee do to you? I'm gettin tired of her ass."I say.

Every time I look around she starting with Bahja or spreading a fucked up rumor about her. Shit, I'm slowly starting to not like and not give a damn about Dee cause she always with some fuckin drama. Ion like that. My girl comes first and she can't respect that so it's fuck her. Best Friend or not.

"She always running her mouth about me. Then she started some shit with me." She says. I nod my head.

"I'll handle that shit." I say

"You keep saying that but you won't. In a minute imma whoop her ass." She says

"Shit, do what you gotta do. But just know imma handle it." I assure her. She smiles and kisses me.

Mane, Dee gone make me beat her ass for real.

I look down the hall and see her walking, looking at a paper.

"Now ain't that ironic." Bahja says, smirking. I hand her my books and step to Dee.

She looks up.

"You apologizing?" She asks.

"Bitch, naw!" I say. Her facial expression changes.

"What the fuck are you-"  I cut her off

"I told you to stay the fuck away from my girl, didn't I?" I growl. She pushes me.

"Nigga who the fuck you talkin to? I ain't step to that hoe, I don't bother that hoe, I don't give a DAMN about that hoe. The fuck is you talkin bout?" She snaps.

"Bitch, don't even lie." Bahja says.

"Mothafucka, the fuck is you lying for? You know damn well you fuckin do the shit!" I snap back, pushing her into the wall. She runs up on me breathing heavily.

"All I ever did was looked ouy for yo bitch ass and that's what you used to do for me before you started fuckin with that mothafuckin girl! I ain't bothered yo bitch, Chresanto! Quit believing every fuckin thing she say!" She raises her voice. 

"Mane Fuck you! You ain't shit to me no more!" I yell. She steps back with tears dripping. I.glare at her.

She nods her head.

"Well, shit I wish you would've told me before now." She says.

"Don't turn sensitive!  You knew this shit was bound to happen." I say

"Yep, I knew you was gone turn. I knew that the minute you met this hoe." She screams

"Who is you callin a hoe? Roc, get her!" Bahja says.

"You the hoe." I say, pushing her.

"The fuck is loyalty? Why you got that shit tatted on you? You ain't nowhere loyal!" She screams. A Mexican girl who looks freshman starts watching.

"Im the realest nigga you gone ever see! You the one that changed!" I say

"Yeah, whateva. Fuck is a best friend? Damn." She says, walking away. I turn and look at Bahja.

"Don't worry bout her, baby." I say. She smiles.

"Finally." She says, grabbing my hand.

We skipped half of lunch but we still going. I open up the door for her. Dee be bullshittin...



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