FIVE - Surprise, Surprise

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I just got home. I rode the bus today. I unlock the house and walk in.

"Hey Mario and Mico!" I greet my big and little brothers.

"Hello." Mico says

"Wassup?" Mario asks. I head nod and walk through the house. My dad walks out of the hall bathroom. His ol Puerto Rican ass.

"Hey Princess." He says. I laugh. The way the word "Princess" Rolls off his tongue has always made me laugh

"Hey pops." I say, hugging him. He grabs my backpack and starts walking with me up the stairs. He opens up my room door and lays my backpack on my bed. He sits in my chair. I sit on the bed.

"Sup?" I ask

"How'd your day go? Your mother told me about yesterday." He says. My dad is odd. Other dads would be ready to murder Chres for fuckin with his daughter. But not my dad. When he got out the streets, he put all that behind him. However, he don't play about me. I've seen my dad kill niggas for looking at me the wrong way so it's no shaky shit. He's just a really calm and collected person. But part of me don't believe mom told him everything because he's way too calm about the situation. Nope, it would be a murder scene... she didn't tell him.

"The same." I say

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" He asks

"Hearing people's mouths about what I wear, school work, people I can't stand... ya know, school." I say. He chuckles

"I'm just glad it's break time." I add. "Well, baby girl, you're a princess, Ok? Fuck how Roc, His bitch, and everybody else feel. Don't go change you for nobody. However, I do think you should dress a bit more girly." He says. I laugh. How he go from don't change to dress girly?

"Dad, I wear earrings And sometimes skinny jeans. That's girly enough." I say

"Yeah but I shouldn't be wondering if your pants are mine since you shop in the mens section. But your mother is gonna get on you because she found that dress she bought you balled up beside the dryer covered in lint." He says

"She bout to murder me." I say. He laughs and stands up

"Good luck." He says, walking out. I chuckle. I love my dad so much.

I wonder if Chres read my letter yet...

Ms. Sierra (Dee's mom)

"Oh hell no! Pedro, do you know how much I paid for this fucking dress?" I start going off on my husband. He thinks Dee not being girly is cool.

"Look, chill. I already talked to Dee. She ain't gay, baby. She's just different. You can't force her to wear the dress." He says. I roll my eyes

"Shit, she ain't ever had a boyfriend, talked about boys, she dress like a guy, so what does that tell you?" I ask. He stares at me with a blank look on his face then shrugs his shoulders.

"It tells me she just wanna be herself. Quit trynna force a purse and dress on the girl." He says

I squint my eyes at his bright ass.

"You only don't care because you always wanted a son." I say

"I have Mario and Mico... Last time I checked they were my boys and Mario is two years older than Dee so no, that's not the case. I just don't think you should blow up about simple shit like a fucking dress." He snaps

"The damn dress was Michael Kors, Pedro! I spent money on something nice for her and she don't care!" I say. He looks at me crazy.

"Are you crazy, baby? For one, I bought the damn thing since you insisted. And it's nice in your eyes, not hers. Stop trippin on simple things like that!" He says

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