Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in the same spot as always, with one of my many books and the same cup of coffee I always get.

I come to this little coffee shop everyday after school to get away from everyone and everything. It is about an hour drive away from the school and no one I know knows about it.  Its the perfect escape. 

This is the only place where I feel like I can be me. The only place I'm not ignored or looked down upon. No one at school talks to me. Everyone pays attention to my sister. The popular one. The one who can sing, is on the cheerleading squad, and is going out with the quarterback. The typical popular girl.

I'm the sister who doesn't like big crowds. The one who likes to read and loves people watching. Yes, people watching, it's amusing. The quite one that no one cares about. No one in that school and no one in my house.

There is one person though. I met this boy here, at the coffee shop, his name is Louis. He is the most beautiful human I have ever seen. That's probably really weird but its true. The way his chestnut hair swoops to the side. His beautiful eyes, his beautiful blue eyes that could captivate anyone and everyone. Louis was a few years older than me, he is 22 I was 18. Some people would probably say that it was weird that I was best friends with someone who was 4 years older than me. They might even say it was inappropriate but I didn't care, I was an adult and it was my life and he was the only person who cared about me. The only person I truly cared about.

We met here almost every day. No, we weren't dating or anything but I really like him. I haven't told him because I don't want to scare my only friend away. He is the only person who actually understands me who actually listens to me. The only person I can be myself with and its great.

I heard the little bell on above the door go off and when I turned around it was him. I smiled at him and he immediately smiled back.

"Hey babe," he said kissing my cheek. I immediately blushed.

"Hey." I looked down at the table infront of me.

"What are you reading today?" He asked, smiling, hiding his book behind his back. I picked my book up and showed him the cover,"Divergent" I said in a low voice.


"Yeah," I giggled, "the book is right here." I pointed at it still smiling.

"So am I!" He laughed pulling the book out from behind his back. We both laughed.

Every week we start a new book at the same time and see who can finish it first, it's kinda our thing I'm usually the one who finishes first because I don't have work like he does, and he socializes a lot more than I do. Therefore I have a lot more time to read.

"Looks like we can actually talk about a book for once then," He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess we can. The only reason we usually can't is that you pick crap books that I would never read" I laughed again for the 4th time since he has been here. I'm always more outgoing with him. I don't hide when I'm with him, I'm me.

He put his hands over his heart acting as if my comment hurt him and pretended to cry. "Oh poor baby, I didn't mean to make you cry." I laughed. "Does someone need a hug?"

"Yes." he perked up holding his arms out. I stood up from my chair and he pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest. We stood like that for a few minutes before we heard the bell, from the door, go off and we let go of each other I didn't want to let go. It felt right having his arms wrapped around me. It was just perfect. "Does the little Louis feel better now?" I said in a baby voice.

"Yes," he smirked walking over to get his coffee and muffin. As he left the table I couldn't help but admire his simple style. He always looks great wearing his rolled up skinny jeans, simple t-shirts, and vans.

I picked up my book and began reading, I was about 10 pages in before the book was ripped out of my hands. "What the hell," I looked behind me to see a smirking Louis.

"Louis, what the hell was that for?"

"Whoa, Sage, I've never heard you use that kinda language before."

"Oh just shut up and give me my book."

"Whats the magic word?" He began to smirk again. Damn him for being so beautiful.

"P-please," I stuttered.

"Good girl." he sat down with his coffee and just stared at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I questioned.

"No-uhm, I was wondering, you know, if you wanted to go do something else today. Maybe go walk around the town or something." whoa Louis was actually nervous. This is new, I'm usually the nervous one.

"How about tomorrow Louis, when I actually can take my time to look good. Let's stay in here today."

"But you always look good," he winked. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, "but ok, can we at least talk today instead of reading most of the time."

"Sure Lou, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, how about we play 20 questions."

"Uhm, ok. You can go first." I was kinda nervous about what he would ask but if he wanted to then why not.

"Ok, Whats your full name?"

"Sage Marie Young."

"Any siblings?"

"1 sister, Alex."


"No my dad won't let me have any."

"Oh, um favorite color?"

"Teal,"I smiled motioning to my book bag.

He smiled back and asked his next question. "Friends names?"

"Louis." I shyly smiled and looked down at the table.

"I'm your only friend," he asked not believing what I said. God I hope he doesn't laugh at me.

"Yeah." I kept looking down at the table.

"Good, more time for me." I looked up at him smiling. he smiled back.

"So I guess that kinda defeats the purpose of my next question, are you in a relationship."

"Nope. You?" I asked. I had to know.

"No, but I really like someone." he smiled. "oh. ok, any more questions."

"Favorite book?"

"Catching fire, you already know that,"I giggled.

"I know but I'm running out of questions. How about, favorite movie?"

Wow, he had to ask me this. I have 2 favorites, Juno, and High School Musical. Yes, high school musical its a good movie.

"Um, Juno," I answered hiding the other movie.

"Cool, I don't have any more questions why don't you ask now."

"Um ok, how about you answer all of the questions you asked me."

"Ok, well my full name is Louis William Tomlinson. I have 4 sisters. I don't have any pets. Um, red is my favorite color. I have a few friends, I don't hang out with them much. I'm not in a relationship like I said, but I like someone, a lot. I don't really have a favorite book, I love them all. and Grease is my favorite movie."

The rest of the day was spent talking, we both bought at least 3 more coffee's and we left the cafe at 7 pm, promising each other we could go out tomorrow. I was really excited and nervous. Tomorrow was going to be a great day.

(I know its crap but please comment what you think and please vote! Its for a competition and it would really help me if you commented and voted for the story. Thank you for redaing and love you)

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