Chapter 2

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Today I didn't go to school. I told my parents that my stomach and my head were killing me and they said i could stay home. They left shortly after for some stupid vacation they're going on and i started to get ready for to day with Louis.

I quickly got in the shower and did my makeup so any blemishes were covered. I don't wear much makeup just cover up, mascara, and a little bit of lip gloss. I put my long blonde hair in a side braid and pinned my bangs back.

I decided to wear something other than my normal leggings and sweater. I took out one of my only pair of jeans, threw on a random t-shirt and put my grey jacket over it. Running downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat i texted louis.

Hey, I'm ready when ever you are to meet up or we can just meet at our normal time at the coffee shop.

After finishing my cereal i ran back upstairs to put my black boots on. Louis hasn't texted me back yet so i took 'Divergent' , sat at my desk and started reading from the beginning again. Books were my escape from reality.I have read so many books and I never get bored of them. I've even read the 'Twilight Series' i mean what girl hasn't.

When i was about 100 pages into the book i heard my phone go off. Closing my book i ran over and got it off of my bed. It was from Louis.

Hey babe, how about we meet at the cafe at noon and i can take you to get lunch to start off out day. Oh and make sure you wear something warm :) 

I immediately texted back telling him i would see him soon. I grabbed my white nit hat and my grey nit mittens and ran out the door. Since my parents have 2 extra cars and they'll be gone for the weekend i took the black Jeep. It was currently 11am so had and hour to get there. Luckily it took me less time than usual and i was there by 11:50.

I went and ordered myself a coffee and plugged in my headphones. Sitting down at our usual table and waiting. I was humming Ed Sheeran's Cold Coffee when I felt someone slightly touch my shoulder. I turned around to see a smiling Louis.

Taking my head phone out I muttered a hello and smiled up at him. He kissed my cheek and sat across from me. He looked amazing today. He had on a black pair of pants; rolled up, a white botton up shirt, and a black jean jacket with his usual black vans. The sleeves on his jacket were rolled up so most of his tattoo's were visible. My favorite tattoo of his was the rope on his wrist, i didn't know why it was just the one that popped out. 

"You ready to have the greatest day of your life?" he smirked.

"You mean today's the day I get to meet ed Sheeran?!" I laughed.

"No, not today." He pouted, "Today you get to spend it all with me."

"Oh yeah. That's today isn't it." we both laughed.

"So i was thinking i could buy us a quick lunch here and then i can take you somewhere." 

"Lou, i can pay for myself. Your already taking me out today, the least i can do is pay for myself."

"No Sage, i am taking you out today and i am buying you lunch, and dinner. Ok? You will have a great day today." He smiled grabbing my hand.

"Ok, fine Lou. What ever you say." i sighed

"Good," he smiled, "why don't we go order some food."

For lunch Louis and I both got a sand which and some more coffee. The whole time we just laughed at stories we were telling each other. Sure Louis and i have known each other for a while now but we haven't shared a lot of thing with each other. Today was, clearly, different than any other day we have spent together.

We have been sitting together for only half an hour and i have shared more with him than anyone my age. I trust him so much, i have told him some of my secrets that i've never told anyone. Not even my sister. 

Just sitting here, laughing with Louis is great. The employee's keep looking at us like were crazy because we are the only people in here and are just laughing. I think they're even saying things about us but honestly i don't care, let them think what they want. One thing Louis has showed me is that it doesn't matter what other people think of you; only what you think of yourself matters. 

When i was with Louis i just felt free and it felt really, really good to feel that way. 

As Louis and i finished our food and were leaving the cafe, i got a text from my sister. She asked where the jeep was and i told her i had it, and she could come get it with the spare keys if she wanted it that bad. Louis insisted on driving so I didn't really need it.

The car ride to wherever Louis was taking us was quiet the only noise was Louis' soft humming to the music that was on the radio. He knew almost every song, and even the ones i could tell he didn't know he still tried humming along to them.

After about forty five minutes in the car, Louis finally stop infront of a small park. He walked over to my side of the car, opening the door for me and taking my hand. I thanked him and he started walking to the back of the park, near the woods. 

"I come here a lot," he said still pulling me along, "just to think, get away from people, and sometimes write." 

"You write?" i asked

"Yeah, lyrics. It's just kind of a stress realiver. Or when i'm missing home i come back here and write a lot." 

"Missing home?" i questioned again.

"Yeah, I had to move out of my home town for the job i have now. They transfered me and i left all of my friends and family. I didn't really have a choice i guess, i have a great job and they pay a great amount of money for someone who doesn't have a degree." he laughed, stoping and sitting on a rock.

"I found this place one day when i was wondering around." he motioned to the area around us. "It's just very relaxing? I guess. No one has ever been here, while i was here, even though there's a trail that leads right to this place." he was playing with his hands in his lap. 

"what is this place?" i asked sitting beside him. 

"This park is about a 5 minute drive from my apartment and when i was driving around here one day, when i just got here, i saw the park and started walking around. I thought it would be a good place for us to talk, to learn more about each other" I smiled at him while he was nervously playing with his hands still. 

"So how did you find the cafe?" i questioned him. 

"Same way i found this place, i was driving around one day and it caught my eye. It didn't look very popular and so i decided to check it out. I just really liked the coziness of the place. How'd you find it?"

"One day i was just trying to get away from everything and so i drove around for a bit. I found the place, and like you i liked the coziness of it. I liked that it wasn't to busy and that no one really knew about it." 

We spent the next hour or so just talking and talking, learning more things about each other. We both cried a few times but stopped when the other person would tell us something funny which would make us laugh. It was great and no body could bother us. We were all by ourselves opening up to each other. 

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