Chapter One

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The room was silent apart from my breathing, dark and dreary, a small lamp being the only source of light as the windows were too dirty to let in sunlight. I sat on the edge of my bed, using a brush to untangle the knots in my long, ash brown hair. I found the action soothing, it calmed my nerves as I sat alone for hours on end, waiting for him to return. I could leave this room whenever I felt like it, but recently the urge to do so wasn't as strong. The door opened abruptly, and a familiar voice filled the room. "Hey baby girl." I turned to face him, setting the brush down on the bed as I flashed him a bright smile. Negan walked towards me, and I quickly stood up as he met my gaze.

Reaching up, he took a strand of my hair between his thumb and forefinger, twirling it slowly. "They said you haven't left the room?" he questioned with a concerned look, and I simply shrugged biting my lower lip. "Speak when spoken to," he ordered softly, though I could sense the seriousness in his tone, and by the way his eyes narrowed slightly. "I just haven't felt like it. I missed you N-" I stopped myself quickly when his jaw clenched, almost forgetting his little rule, looking down at his leather clad chest. He chuckled softly after a short pause, pressing his forehead to mine. "And I missed you, princess." Relieved he wasn't upset, I smiled at his words; I knew he meant it, he rarely ever lied to me.

He pulled back, his lips forming a grin as cupped my chin, tilting my head up so I was looking him in the eye. "A group of people attacked one of our posts--killed everyone." he stated, the obvious agitation in his voice making my heart beat faster as he spoke. "Do you know who they are?" I asked softly, and he quickly shook his head before backing away. "Nope, but we have a few leads. Hilltop especially," he added the last part, and my breathing hitched in my throat as my mind focused on one individual in particular. "They don't have weapons though, so it can't be them." He scratched at his scruff in thought, looking down at the floor while I awaited his response. "Maybe you're right." he finally said, motioning outwards with his arms before moving to sit in the chair that was placed in the far right corner of the room.

I let out a relieved sigh as he motioned for me to come to him, and my legs willingly obeyed as I closed the gap between us, waiting silently for his next move. He reached out, grabbing me by the hips as he pulled me into his lap, his body heat warming my skin. He groaned as my thigh rubbed against his crotch, and I let a shaky breath escape my lips as he leaned forward to kiss my collar bone. "You make it hard for me not to fuck your brains out, you know that?" he chuckled against my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin as I whimpered softly, closing my eyes when his lips traveled south to my breasts. "Just be glad I'm tired," he spoke out as he pulled away, leaning back in the chair with a content groan. I blinked, caught off guard for a split second before I rested my head on his chest, slowly falling asleep to the sound of him breathing.

Author's Note: hey guys so what do you think? This will be different than the others. Also, I know it may seem slow, but the story will officially start in chapter two. Please vote and give feedback! Also, I was thinking of doing a Negan/Rick pairing story. Thoughts? Lol

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