Love is a strong word

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They packed up their stuff for the State Championship game. At 4 am they were on the bus ready to go.

"You ready?" Shane asked sitting down next to Indigo . "After I sleep I think I will be." They whole bus laughed .

Shortly Indigo feel asleep on Shane's shoulder  and he did as well. They get to the Hotel around  8 am and they all went straight to the breakfast stand. They dug into the food and then went to their hotel room and took a time to unpack. Indigo being the only girl on the team got her own room.

[ Times like these make me sad to be the only girl on the team.} Indigo though in her head.

Then a knock came on the door it was Shane , Zay and Troy.

"Hey can we come in ?" Shane asked . "Yeah sure doors unlocked." She responded.
"Hey guys what's up." Nothing much just seeing your room and if you wana hang latter. The cheer team and dance teams are now here and we're all going to hang in the game room tonight. You know before we have to buckle down and focus. " Zay said. "Yeah sounds like fun you guys wana watch tv?" "Shane and I have to get the room ready ! Um yeah , but Troy could stay and hang with you." Zay said quickly. "Aw I wanted too..."'shane started to say then realized where he was going. "Oh yeah stuff to bye see you in 10 minutes, No funny business!!"

"Um so ?" Indigo started to say . "So , hey you like braids ?" "What ?" "My sisters do this thing with their hair and they taught me . I could show you I think it would like nice on you!" Troy said. " I I I mean you already look nice , i mean." Troy said blushing from end to end. "Ha ha your too funny like this but sure show me."

"Okay you have nice long curls so the braid will be really long. So first you need to start at the sides and ......" Troy gave the whole tutorial. Indigo was impressed he did quite a job. "Thanks it looks really good your sister taught you well."

Then he got a text .

Come down stairs they guys wanna have a chat we will bring Indigo latter. ~ Andre

"Hey I have to go bye !" Troy said quickly. And dashed out the door. "Um okay .." he slammed the door faster than she could say goodbye.

I guess I could unpack and take a little jog around the city.

Troy walked into the room and saw some of his close friends plus a pizza.

"Dude we need to talk ." Andre said. "Okay ?" He replied quick. "We all know you like her." Theuy said. "Who ?" "INDIGO!" They all shouted. "No you guys are crazy , It's football season I don't have time for a girl friend. Plus I don't like anyone." "If you say so." Andre said.

"Well she's really nice ." Zay said. "She super pretty too." Shane added. "She nice to even people who weren't to her." Andre said

"How about you Troy what do you like about her ?"  Zay said.

"Were only friends but if I had to say one thing it would be her eyes. Their light brown but then at the bottom their blue like the ocean and when the sun hits them it's like the entire beach had come alive. Then her hair is curly it smells like the beach. Her eyes tell a story like when she's sad she looks like a puppy dog . And all you wana do is help her you know be their for her like a true pal." Troy said.

"Okay maybe I do like her." "Congrats you said it . You should also work at hallmark with words like that ." The coach said out of nowhere. "Coach you heard that too !" Troy said embarrassed. "Yeah I knew before these guys did . I knew you liked her the first time she handed you that cup of cold water and u just stood their looking in her eyes . She was creeped out of course but I saw something that I see every year . Young love."  "Oh no." Troy said.

"So how you going to ask her out." Andre said . "I'm not she doesn't want a relationship she said that they seem stressful ." Troy said. "Yeah he's right she doesn't want a boyfriend I don't know what she wants ." Zay said. "What if she doesn't like me ?" Troy said . "You are Troy Blancher half the girls at school want you so If she doesn't that's her lost." "Thanks guys I'll ask her out right now !" "No No no are you crazy !!" Andre said. "It's the champions game we need focus no lovey dovey stuff tell after this stuff." Zay said. "Y'all are funny I wasn't even going to ask her out !"

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