New language

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Eveyone meet on meet up Monday morning to take the class . "You guys ready?" Indigo asked. "I am ." Shane said . Others nodded in agreement. "Okay lets go , Mark lead the way." Indigo said.

They got into class and sat down. Their were about 7 other people in the class . It was taught by a deaf kid and a non deaf teacher who knew sign language.

"Hey Guys how are you ? Welcome to the class I'm Mrs. Jordan and this is Taylor we will be your teachers for the courses. Does anyone know sign language?" Mrs.Jordan asked and signed.  Indigo raised her hand as well as Mark. "Well food were going to start off with some basics greetings and the alphabet."

They all were able to pick it up pretty quickly. Then they moved to saying . Like Hi , Bye , See you latter ,  I love you and Hi my name is ...

"Students choose a partner to work with and practice the saying ." Indigo and Mark partner up because they could sign fluently. Everyone was was so exited the show Lily their sign language.

For the rest of the week they learned how to sign. They had an extra practice on Friday to make up lost time.

They all meet up on Friday night and saw the kids. They were teaching them how to tackle.

"Troy and I will show y'all how to tackle:" Indigo and Troy put in pads and helmets. Indigo ran down with the ball and Troy tackled her. The little girls giggled. Troy got up and and helped her up. The guys went oooo and the girls went ahhh. The guys on the team laughed. Indigo took of her helmet and looked at Troy who laughed and she did as well. Then she ran off to teach them how to push the takle dummy. 

Then tried weight training with different types of weights. "Hey Guys you wana see and great weight tranning ?" Troy asked ? "All the kids said yes. Troy snuck up behind Indigo and flip her over this back and carried her. Everyone laughed. Indigo legs we dangling over his shoulders while he carried her legs. "Troy put me down this isn't funny." She said laughing "See this right her guys 130 pounds isn't too heavy." Troy laughed.  Eveyone laughed.  Then he put her down. "Your not funny Troy." Indigo said punching his shoulder. "Well I think I'm funny."  "Uhjhhhh." She said with a laugh and went to another place. "And that's how you prove how strong you are ." Troy said and took a bow. They moved on to other things and Indigo had a plot of revenge. But first a snack .

  Indigo said with the kids while the guys went to get food. "You and Troy are so cuteeeee!!" Jenecia said. "I hope you know Troy likes you ." James said . "Wow getting relationship advice from a bunch of 7-12 year olds !" They all laughed. Then the guys came with snacks and they finished eating and moved on to the next activity . It was getting late and parents had come to pick up their kids . Once all the kids were gone Indigo could take out her revenge.

"Hey Troy." "Hey In......" with that She sprayed silly spray on him. "Oops ." Indigo said with a laugh. "Oh it's so on !" Troy went to grab it but she ran away from him . Troy came after her . She was still spaying the silly string at him.

"Aw That's cute." Chris said. "Yeah it's kinda dark I hope they don't get hurt."

Indigo kept running and then Tripped over a rock and feel. Troy trip as well and fell on her ankle.

"Oof !" They all said. Indigo started laughing and Troy did too . "Hey Indigo you Okay ?" Troy said getting up . "Yup ouch !" Indigo said. "Ow ow ow ow ...!!!" Indigo said. "Indigo what's wrong ?" Troy said. "My ankle hurts so bad ." Troy helped her up and the team came running to her. "Ow Troy that hurts." She said while he was getting her in her feet. "Indigo I think you hurt your ankle pretty bad ." Troy said. "Guys call 911!" Troy said. Carrying her from the field.
  The ambulance came and Troy ran with her up the Hill. She put her face in his chest hidding  from Eveyone.  The ambulance took her out of Troys arms and place her in the car. "Can I come with her ?" Troy asked. "Sorry kid unless your family can't take you." "Okay Shane he cousin he'll go with her." Shane jumped in the ambulance. "Guys how far is the hospital?" "3.4 miles?" "I gotta run. Tell my mom I'm at the hospital. If your parents get here soon go to the hospital. With that Troy ran and ran and ran and ran and ran . Indigo was already their getting fixed up and Troy ran into the hospitals.

"Im looking for Indigo ?" He told the people. " room 210" he went up to the room and saw the team Shane and the parents. "How did y'all get her soo fast ." Troy said out of breath . "We called our parents and they drove us here." Chris said. "How is she ?" Troy said. "She's doing fine we checked on her already you can go in." Troy went knocked on the door and she welcomed him in." "Indigo !" He ran to her. "Where were you ?!" "I ran from the school to the hospital." "You ran 2.4 miles!!" "Yeah ." "Why ?" "I needed to make sure you were okay." "Omg Troy." She hugged him. "Your the best." "How long you for crutches for ?" "Don't know yet ." "I'm so sorry ." "Troy it's okay I'm just glad your here now ." "No i mean for hurting you ." "Oh that's okay it was really my fault." She said getting out the bed and hobbling out the bed and grabbing the crutches." "I'll make it up to you I promise." "No it's okay really." She went out the door and too Eveyone. Troy filled behind her. "Ahhh are you going to be okay ?" "Guys I promise I'm okay." She hobbled to the car. "Guys She really mad." Troy said. "Yeah but your in love !?" Shane said. "Yeah only Love would make you run all that way to see her. Just her cool off I promise she won't stay mad too long."

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