Welcome to Gotham

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A new trailer was parked next to mine when I got up the next morning. I stared at it. Must be the new magicians. Heard it was just two parents and a daughter.
I still stared at it. Then the door opened, I jumped and walked away. I didn't turn around to see who it was, but I think it was the parents. "Just tell Emma that she can go hang out in the city. Or with the other kids," a man said. "You know how she is, she's shy and stubborn. She won't make any friends!" A girl said (probably her mom.) I smirk. I understand not making any friends. I've never fit in with the other kids really. Probably why I don't have any friends. Or because I freak everyone out when they know me too much. My mom came out of out trailer. "Jerome quit leaning on the trailer!" She said, hitting me in the head with a rolled up newspaper. I groaned. The new magicians noticed me. Then a young girl came out of their trailer. I'm assuming Emma. "Mom, I can't find your hat!" She exclaims, then looking at me. I don't think much of her, I don't know her. She smiles nervously at me. She looks about 16-18.
She quickly fixes her hair and stands up taller. I blushed and look away. I Don't want her liking me, I'll just scare her away like I usually do. Whether it's on purpose or not. I turn back to my mom, who is shaking her parents' hands. I roll my eyes. My mom is desperate for any kind of friend. Especially guy friends. She gets sex buddies all the time. That's usually when I leave the trailer and sneak away. Emma stared at me, still fiddling with her hair. I tried not to look at her, it was a little weird. And believe me. I know weird. She coughed and walked over to me, extending a hand. "I'm Emma," she said with a smile. I smiled, trying not to roll my eyes, and shook her hand. "Jerome. Jerome Valeska."
She smiles sweetly. "That your mom?" She asked. I looked at her. "Yea. Unfortunately," I smiled. She laughed, a little too much. I can see why her parents didn't want her to be noticed.

Emma's POV

I know Jerome probably thinks I'm an idiot. Heck, I think I'm an idiot. Double heck, I know I'm an idiot. I just get nervous around people. And let's face it, this boy that I just met was gorgeous. What can I say? The guy just does it for me. "How old are you?" I ask, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Eighteen." "Cool, I'm seventeen," I said, smiling. He smiled awkwardly and nodded. Like I said before, he probably thinks I'm an idiot. I waved goodbye and strolled back into my trailer, looking out the window a second later to see if he was staring at the trailer. He wasn't.

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