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Jerome's POV

I took a knife out of the door and slowly stepped into the hallway, looking around. I'm glad I decided to wear clothes to bed tonight. Well, a tank top and boxers.
"Hello?" I whispered, walking into the living room cautiously. I looked around as my foot hit something. I looked down to see Emma, passed out. "Shit," I whispered, kneeling down. I heard a foot step behind me, but it was too late. A cloth was held over my mouth as I fell into the dark heaviness of sleep.

I slowly wake up, looking around the room, my vision blurry. This isn't the living room. This isn't the mansion. I try to stand up, to find that my wrists and ankles are tied to a chair with rope. I looked around the small room. It was dirty. The floor was stained with blood. The concrete walls had bullet holes. There was a metal door in the corner of the room. Not jail. Not the asylum. Where am I? I jump as the door opens and closes with a heavy noise of metal crashing into the wall. I stare at Crystal as she stares back at me. "Jerome," she said. "Yea, yea, whatever, let me go," I mutter, glaring. "I can't do that," she whispered. "And why's that?" I asked, turning my was a little and smiling. "You're a wanted man Mr. Valeska."

(I will be ending this story soon! Sorry! I'm open to role play through messaging.)

Me? Crazy? NeverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora