When A Killer Calls

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Emma's POV

It's been a week since Jerome got put in the asylum. I kind of feel bad for him, but at the same time, I'm relieved.
And that's when my phone rang. It was noon, so it really could be anyone. I quickly picked it up, expecting it to be my friend Audrey. "Hello?" I said. "Miss me?" The other side said. My heart skipped a beat. Jerome. I could never forget that charming but dangerous voice. "Jerome, how do you have a phone?" I asked, immediately scared. "Everyone has a phone, Em." "You aren't supposed to have those in the asylum." I could almost hear him smile. "Good thing I'm not in the asylum then," he said, almost a whisper. To manipulate, no doubt. I lowered the phone slowly, staring off into space. "Where are you?" He said, before I completely started flipping out. "That's none of your business," I snapped at him. His voice got lower. "I'm sorry Emma. I think we should start over. I want you to come do something with me. I'm scared to do it alone.." he quietly said, as if he was afraid to admit it. My heart skipped another beat. "Jerome, I-" I started, before getting interrupted. "You aren't coming.. I knew it was a stupid idea to call you.." he said sadly.

Jerome's POV

"Wait.." Emma said, thinking I was about to hang up. I think she might even be buying it. "I'm in my trailer, at the circus," she said. Bingo. She's in. Check mate. "Meet me in the alleyway by Redford apartments. I don't want to get caught and go back to the asylum," I said. She hesitated before agreeing. "Okay, Jerome." I smiled, "See ya later." "Bye." I hung up. She's easy to persuade. I stood up off the chair I was in. "Well Dad, looks like I don't have to kill you alone!" I said, smiling. The blind old man stared at the direction my voice had come from with scared eyes. A blind fold was over his mouth tightly. "Be right back Dad, don't go anywhere," I said, laughing and climbing out the apartment window. I looked down in the alleyway, sure enough, Emma was standing there. I climbed down and went around the corner. "Emma," I said, smiling. She couldn't help but smile a little. I hugged her like she was an old friend. She hugged me back tightly. "What do you need help with?" She said, pulling away. Hmm, what roll to play? Go ahead and break open with the crazy killer? Innocent idiot? Innocent idiot for now. I grabbed her hand. "Follow me," I said, leading her up a fire escape. She hesitated before following me. "Now, don't run, okay?" I said, stepping in the window. She looked around the messy apartment until she saw Mr Cisero all tied up. "Jerome!" She said tears in her eyes. I was in the kitchen, grabbing a knife. I looked at her. "Yea?" I said, confused. She pointed at Mr Cisero. "Oh. Yea. This is what I need help with," I smiled. She was scared to run. I know she was. She slowly sat down in a chair.
I walked up to my dad, ready to make him feel guilty. I sat down in a chair across from him. "Remember Kansas city, Dad? The circus always went through in Spring, right around my brithday. There was this guy, and him and my mom would like to drink, bang, and beat the crap out of me."

Emma's POV

No wonder he's this way.. He was beaten.. "They'd make a whole night out of it. And it was my ninth birthday, they just finished a round of boozing, boning, and beating up Jerome and decided to take a little break," he said, playing with the knife in his hand. "I was crying outside of the trailer. And you came up to me. Why are you crying, Jerome?" He said, immitating his dad. Then he changed his voice to a little kid. "It's my birthday, and my mom and the snake guy are beating me. You remember what you said to me dad? This world doesn't care about you or anyone else. Better you understand that now. And that was it," he said, twirling the knife. I feel sorry for Jerome.. "There's this guy, Dad, and he believes in me, he thinks I'm going to be a star," Jerome said, right in his dad's face. Who is this guy he's talking about..? "And tonight, all of Gotham will see that. Well, except for you. 'Cause, you know, you'll be dead," he said, untieing his mouth. "Jerome-" "Is this the part when you say you're sorry? When you say you should have believed in me? How it's not to late to start again, well news flash Dad! It's too late!" He yelled. That's the most emotion I've seen in Jerome. "You don't have to do this.." Mr Cisero said. "No. I'm pretty sure I do." "I wasn't the best father, but I did love you, and to kill me for that?" Jerome began laughing crazily. "That's not why I'm gonna kill you! Look at these," Jerome said , holding papers. He walked over and hit his dad in the head with them. "Letters between you and your troubled son! Innocent at first glance, but Detective Gordon, you remember him, right? Will feel, little bumps. A secret message, written in Braille between you and your son discussing of my escape!" He said happily, throwing the letters around. "'Cause you see Dad, this guy I was telling you about, he's the one who broke me out of arkham. He doesn't want anyone to know about that," Jerome said. I thought Jerome escaped by himself.. He's working for someone.. "Obviously. So the police will find these letters, theyll think 'the blind old fool really loved his son! What a wonderful father!' There won't be a dry eye in the house!" Jerome said, laughing. "They'll never believe it," Mr Cisero said. "Ah, sure they will, cops are dumb. Sorry you're gonna miss my big night, Dad. But hey, you're you're sidekick, tell me, do I kill?" Jerome said, smiling. "You will be a curse upon Gotham. Children will wake from sleep, screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness." Jerome stared at him, smiling the whole time. Jerome got right up to his face. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Well, say hi to mom for me," he said, raising the knife. Then there was a knock on the door. I let out a sigh of relief. Jerome looked at the door and back at his dad. He raised the knife and quickly stabbed him in the eye, laughing. I winced and looked away.

Jerome's POV

I quickly grabbed Emma's arm and climbed out the window. She followed me slowly. "Come on!" I said, agitated. And she followed me down the fire escape ladder.

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