Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning Kim wasn't in the bed with me anymore. It was only seven in the morning. My lip was throbbing. I looked at my phone and seen that I had two missed calls, both of them were from this chick that I fuck with from time to time, named Diore'. I was going to forget about it but my phone started to vibrate and it was her calling me again.

"Wassup?" I said answering my phone.

"I haven't seen you in a while and daddy, I need you," Diore' purred in to the receiver.

Now usually I would've been up for the challenge but right now I didn't feel like being bothered.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" I asked smirking.

"Come fuck me daddy, This pussy misses you."

"I'm not in the mood."

"What the fuck you mean you not in the mood?!" She just turned ghetto in 2.5 seconds, "You think you too good for me now?"

"You need to calm yo ass down," I stated, raising my voice a little, "I'm busy."

"Okay, so I take it that since it's quiet, where ever you're at, that bitch ain't around at the moment. Is that why you're just now taking my call? You done got new on me!"

"Shut the fuck up! See, that's why I don't fuck with you like that right now. You talk to fucking much and don't know when to shut the hell up. Don't you ever in your life question me again! When I want ya services then I'll hit yo ass up!" Then I hung up on her.

"Now at a moment like this I would say 'spoken like a boss!' but I wanna kick yo ass," Kareem spoke up walking further in to the room,"What happened last night, or should I say this morning?"

I showed him the inside of my lip.

"So yall got in a fight and she split ya shit?" he asked clearly amused.

"Stop fuckin playin wit me."

"So what happened then? I see ya lil boo boo," he laughed.

"She bit my lip open smart ass."

"Okay, so bringing us back to what I called you for when yall left out to go to the hospital," Kareem said in all seriousness, "Why?"

"Man, she know why," I said in attempt to blow it off.

"And you know that she would accept just about anything from you, including murder. But that don't make nothing you do to her all right and you know it."

"Chill. We didn't have sex."

"Well then what? You couldn't have been eating it while she was chewing ya lip."

I was seriously about to smack the shit out of him. What else could I have been doing. I mean what other appendages do we, as men, have?

I had on my "Duh" face while I wiggled my fingers.

"It couldn't have been just that to make her fuck up your lip like that."

"I got magic fingers dawg."

"Yeah, magic that almost got ya shit tore off."

"You got jokes. But how ya ass know anyway? Were you creeping or something?"

"Ya heavy ass breathing gave that shit away when I was walking pass. You need to calm ya ass down."

"Man, shut the fuck up and get out."

"Man don't get mad because you sound like a gorilla on steroids when you think you about to get some," he laughed his way out the door.

Kim was coming in with two glasses and a small orange container.

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