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I caught up with Newt as he was peering around a tree into a thicket. "It's in there," Newt mouthed. "I think it's an aractmantula."

I tentatively spoke. Hello? Hi? Spider? My name's Hazel. Are you in need of assistance?

There was a pregnant pause before a hiss answered me. Humans?

Yes, humans, I said, relieved to have made contact. Do you need help?

No, it spat. No need human help. Leave or be eaten. I take no prisoners. Ow.

Ow? I asked. Are you sure you're okay?

Fine, the creature insisted. No help. Leave. It made a noise of pain. I looked at Newt. "It needs help."

Without hesitation, Newt whirled around the tree, dropping into a cautionary stance. I followed him. The creature before us was no aracmantula.

This bizarre creature had the body of a horse, with the legs of a spider, the wings of a bat, and the face of a bear. It growled- one of its legs looked painfully twisted, but it loomed towards us. "A Yushka," Newt breathed. "I've never seen one!"

Told you not to! It yelled at me. I put my hands up placatingly. But you're hurt. If we could just-

Before I could finish, Newt progressed minimally towards the Yushka. Without hesitation, the bear jaw snapped, and three of the pointed and barbed spider legs shot towards Newt, catching him in the chest. He slammed heavily to the ground, his head hitting a stone. The Yushka calmly pulled its legs out of his chest, flicking blood on the forest floor.

"No!" I cried. I knew that Newt would never forgive me if I killed it, but I was afraid that he was already dead. At the same time, I couldn't make myself say an Unforgivable Curse.

"Petrificus totalus!" I shouted, pointing my wand at the Yushka. A jet of light shot from my wand and struck the Yushka in the heart. It made an unearthly sound, and its pincerlike beak clicked. Its wings flapped, and its eight arachnoid legs folded underneath. Its seven black eyes went still..

I rushed over to where Newt's lifeless form lay on the ground. "No, no, no," I muttered, lifting him up by his shoulders. "Newt, come on! Pickett! I need help! Get something- any one of you! We need to get him in the case!"

The bowtruckle trembled. Do a spell, I don't know!

"Right- locomotor coat!"

Newt was lifted into the air by his trench coat and lowered into the case. I crawled in after him, had the coat lower him onto the counter, and deactivated the spell. I knew he'd really kill me for this one, but I cut his coat and clothes away from him to get to his bare chest. I needed to be able to heal him.

"What do I do, what do I do?" I muttered frantically, peeling Newt's white button down that was now shredded off of his chest. His chest was now exposed, with three bloody, pus-filled holes where the Yushka impaled him. I noticed all of the scars from trying to tame various creatures, but there was no time to waste on that.

I used my wand to siphon the pus out of the wound into a bottle, then got a rag and dipped it in rubbing alcohol and cleaned the holes. Newt's body twitched, and his eyes opened. His breath was ragged. "Hazel-" he gasped.

"Shh, I know, I know," I said, tensely wringing out the rag and retrieving bandages. I used my wand and gently traced it down the center of the holes. Black thread came from the end of my wand, stitching the inch-round wounds. I plastered bandages over them, then wiped my glistening forehead with the back of my hand. "Newt... it got you bad."

"I can feel that," he laughed, then coughed. "I think... I think you did a good job fixing me up, though. Is it still alive?"

"I was going to kill it, I was, I talked to it, and it was past saving, Newt, but I knew you'd never live if a creature died because of you, so I body binded it, and we'll set it loose where it can't hurt anyone."

Newt smiled in pain. "You'll make a good partner."

I smiled back, brushing a wild strand of hair out of Newt's face. "All of these scars..." I said, moving my hand and tracing my finger lightly along one of them. Newt shifted under my cold fingers. "Yes, er, this isn't the worst injury I've ever had, but, er, it is the first time I've been knocked out. I'm grateful that you were there Hazel, thank you."

I allowed a smile to flit across my lips. "Me too. Now, we need you to get better- we need to talk to Wisely, and go find the other obscurials!"

Newt shifted up onto his elbows, wincing. I hovered over him, helping him. He yelped- I thought he was in pain, but then I followed his gaze to the strewn pile of shreds that was once Newt's clothing. Self consciously, he crossed his arms over his bare chest. I made an apologetic face. "I was gonna fix it while you were still out." I waved my wand at the pile, and the clothes stitched themselves back together.

In America, all we ever leaned were nonverbal spells. To hide our magic from the NoMajs even more than normal. If I ever used a verbal spell, it was because I hadn't fully mastered it yet. I had only recently learned the Body-Bind and locomotor in London.

I handed Newt his coat and tied the sleeves around his neck, wrapping the coat around him. He gave me a pathetic look. "Why won't you let me get dressed?"

"I don't want you to pull out your stitches," I explained. Plus, he didn't look half bad shirtless, but there was no way I was putting that on the table.

He sat up, and I helped him onto the ground. My side was starting to smart again, but I waved my wand at it and eliminated it. Newt was leaning on me fairly heavily by the time we were in Wisely's enclosure.

Where do you think your fellows would be hiding? I asked, skipping formalities. The ones that haven't been reincarnated as NoMajs?

You mean Mudbloods, Wisely corrected me.

No, I mean NoMajs, I said firmly. But the other obscurials. Would they be like, where they died?

Why should I tell you? Wisely challenged.

I lifted my chin. You gave me those visions for a reason. You know that I'd figure it out, and if you helped me, I'd give you something in return. I'll set you free and prevent your reincarnation if you tell us what we need to know.

Wisely's voice became disbelieving. You're lying to me.

No lies. Now, how many of you are there?

Seventy five.

Only that many?

That I know of.

Okay, where would they be hiding out of NoMaj's bodies?

Anywhere in Salem, definitely, and also anywhere else in the world.

Well that narrows it down.

You're very welcome.

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